(At Right: Noted strategists, the IPKat and Merpel)

The day concludes with the very special event, the Herchel Smith Public Lecture 2008, to be presented by Professor Rochelle Dreyfuss (pictured at left) of NYU Law School and the American Law Institute (ALI). Professor Dreyfuss will present on the ALI's project on transnational intellectual property disputes and the impact on patent litigation.
More information and schedule for the day can be found at the Conference Website, including the full programme of 20 speakers from practice, industry, government, academia and consumer groups. The Conference is kindly sponsored by Olswang, Procter & Gamble and Kilburn & Strode.

(A Game of Cat and Mouse ... the special IPKat strategy)
QMIPRI Conference - 18 February - Don't Miss Out!
Reviewed by Johanna Gibson
Friday, February 08, 2008

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