The current WIPO Magazine 3/2010 (June) Issue is now available here on the WIPO website. Topics covered, in agreeably short and easy-to-read format, include Open Innovation, the Green Debate, Benefits of Plant Variety Protection and Why Design Now? Sadly the report on events marking World Intellectual Property Day on 26 April failed to provide coverage of that most pleasurable, creative and memorable of events, the IPKat's Celebrity Cheese and Wine Poetry Recitation reception. The Kat bears no grudges, though, and hopes that WIPO will make amends for this cruel omission by sponsoring the drinks for next year's event.
If you're feeling scholarly and love biotech law, take note: the John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law is accepting scholarly papers related to “Biotechnology and Health-Related Issues in IP Law” for its spring 2011 issue. Professionals and scholars are invited to submit a working paper or idea for consideration. Published individuals may also be invited to present their works at the April RIPL symposium. You've got until 10 September this year to make your submissions. For further information or to get your questions answered, email Wasim K. Bleibel here. More info can also be found here.

Jessica Hefes and Chris Rycroft are the first two IPKat readers to have spotted this fascinating piece of research on the subtle psychological relationship between perceptions of counterfeits and the honesty (or otherwise) of their own conduct. The link describes the research as follows:
"... four experiments were carried out in which participants were given designer sunglasses and told in some conditions they were real and in other conditions fake—actually they were always real.
The results showed that, when told the sunglasses were fake, people behaved in more unethical ways than when told they were real. In one experiment, those wearing sunglasses they were told were authentic cheated on a task 30% of the time, while those told they were fake cheated 71% of the time".
Monday miscellany
Reviewed by Jeremy
Monday, July 12, 2010

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