The year 2012 will be remembered for many things: the London Olympics, Andy Murray almost conquering Wimbledon, the selfsame Murray skidding over the grassy court in his third round match against Baghdatis in a manner similar to this Kat injuring her hind paw at a London railway station, The Artist winning the Academy Award for Best Picture … and the Tulisa Sex Tape drama which captured the attention of the UK tabloids and internet users alike in the spring (see KatPosts here and here).
Today, the privacy claim proceedings brought by singer and X-Factor judge Tulisa Contostavlos against her former boyfriend, Justin Edwards/MC Ultra were settled after a statement was read in open court [not the court that Andy Murray was skidding around on, interjects Merpel]. Earlier this week, it was widely reported that Edwards had accepted responsibility for causing the publication of the video, without the knowledge or consent of Tulisa and that he had apologised. Further, he undertook not to do it again and promised not to speak further in public about their relationship.
In a statement made outside court today Tulisa is quoted as saying:
Today, the privacy claim proceedings brought by singer and X-Factor judge Tulisa Contostavlos against her former boyfriend, Justin Edwards/MC Ultra were settled after a statement was read in open court [not the court that Andy Murray was skidding around on, interjects Merpel]. Earlier this week, it was widely reported that Edwards had accepted responsibility for causing the publication of the video, without the knowledge or consent of Tulisa and that he had apologised. Further, he undertook not to do it again and promised not to speak further in public about their relationship.
In a statement made outside court today Tulisa is quoted as saying:
The case continues against other defendants concerning their alleged involvement in the distribution of the tape.“I am relieved that this is finally over. It has been a very testing few months, and this was not a case I ever wanted to go through. Justin Edwards’ actions were to spite me, make money and ruin my career. He has succeeded in none of these things. I stand here today a stronger, wiser young woman who has taken this experience and learnt from it [gosh, says Merpel, this statement really sounds as though it comes from the pen of the lyricist who conceived "I Will Survive" ...]. I am disgusted by Justin and saddened by the people that believed I released the footage myself. Today the truth has prevailed. After months of lying to the public and lying in court, Justin has finally admitted to being guilty and I hope justice is served. I would now like to draw a line under this and put it in the past. I also would like to thank from the bottom of my heart, the fans that stood by me. I’m especially grateful for all the support I have received from the public, my friends, family and team. With that support and my determination I have won this battle. Justin messed with the wrong woman [well, ponders Merpel, it might equally be said that Tulisa messed with the wrong man -- otherwise she wouldn't have had to undergo the past few months of embarrassment, expense and general misery in order to fight the battle she has just won]”.
In court ...
Kat Update: Tulisa Sex Tape Case Settles
Reviewed by Catherine Lee
Thursday, July 12, 2012

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