Feeling depressed for copyright infringement? |
Many people may
know the sad story of Quentin Tarantino’s ‘Hateful Eight’. For those who don’t,
‘Hateful Eight’ is [or might have been] the American director’s next
movie. After finishing the first draft of the script, Quentin confidentially
gave the document to six trusted friends to find out how much they liked it. Instead
of obtaining feedback like “Sergio Leone would have never used so much tomato
sauce”, “Japan again? Seriously?!?” or “cartoons: never considered it?”, the
American director found his script leaked on an American gossip website named
Gawker. Not exactly “on”, actually: indeed,
Gawker just provided the hyperlink to another website that hosts Tarantino’s
script on its servers. That threw the director into the deepest sadness. He
told to the Deadline:
"I'm very, very depressed … I finished a script, a first draft,
and I didn't mean to shoot it until next winter, a year from now. I gave it to
six people, and apparently it's gotten out today."
As anyone knows,
the best therapy against depression is filing lawsuits, and that is what
Quentin did. After racking his brains in vain to identify the bad apple that
provided the gossip website with the precious script, Quentin cut the Gordian
knot and directly sued Gawker for copyright infringement at the
US District Court for the Central District of California. If all this sounds
sad, even sadder appears to be the first instance Court’s outcome. As Variety reports, some hours ago Judge john F. Walter held that
Tarantino had failed to “adequately plead facts establishing direct
infringement by a third party or facts that would demonstrate that Gawker had
either caused, induced or materially contributed to the alleged direct
infringement”, and that
“nowhere in these paragraphs or anywhere else
in the Complaint does Plaintiff allege a single act of direct infringement
committed by any member of the general public that would support Plaintiff’s
claim for contributory infringement … instead, Plaintiff merely speculates that
some direct infringement must have taken place. For example, Plaintiff's
Complaint fails to allege the identity of a single third-party infringer, the
date, the time, or the details of a single instance of third-party
infringement, or, more importantly, how Defendant allegedly caused, induced, or
materially contributed to the infringement by those third parties”
"Quentin, come here!" |
The US Judge, however, allowed
Tarantino to file an amendment for his contributory infringement claim, which
should be filed by the first of May. This Kat feels deep sympathy for the
director’s cause and for depression in general. As a few days remain before the
first of May deadline expires, he thus asked Merpel to wear the sexy black dress of Anita Ekberg in Fellini’s ‘La Dolce Vita’, dive into the Trevi Fountain and launch a heartfelt
Quentin, we might not have as many
surfers as California [which might not necessarily be a bad thing], but
we know how to recognise a blatant infringement when we see one. And this is
your case! Although you may not know it, thanks to the wisdom of International
conventions such as Berne and TRIPs, you own copyright in your script here as well,
and from the very moment of its creation [we have never requested registration for art works -- that
sounds such a trade mark/patent thing, and the same word “copyrighted” is
banned from the Continent]. Under the national treatment principle
provided by those Treaties, Quentin, you will be treated like one of us – or
even better, considered the proverbial European hospitality.
It might be true that some of us are
not familiar with the slippery approach to indirect liability for copyright
infringement that you have in the US. But still, who cares -- we have Svensson! As football soccer passionate, Quentin, you will think this is
about the Swedish Anders -- but it is not. Instead, it is a
rather seminal decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union (‘CJEU’)
rendered in February. In that ruling,
the CJEU implicitly held that providing hyperlinks to works whose diffusion was
not authorised by the right holder amounts to a communication to the public via
the EU exclusive right called “making available” [provided by Article 3(1) of the Infosoc Directive, if you fancy delving into it] and,
therefore, to a copyright infringement [all you need to know about it is here, here and here].
it, Quentin? We would take
your rights extremely seriously -- no need to “allege the identity of a single
third-party infringer, the date, the time, or the details of a single instance
of third-party infringement” or to explain “how Defendant allegedly caused,
induced, or materially contributed to the infringement by those third parties”.
Gawker provided the link to the platform that unlawfully hosts your work. You
are not fine with that. That’s enough to establish copyright infringement in the
EU -- and no need to worry about fair use!
And if you come to litigate in
Europe, Quentin, also normally boring procedural issues may bring some great
fun! In a 2013 decision on jurisdiction for copyright infringements committed
online [the case
is “Pinckney”, on which see here], for instance, the CJEU said that courts
have jurisdiction to hear copyright infringement cases whenever the website providing the infringing work is “accessible
within the jurisdiction of the court seised”. As the link to your script that Gawker provides for
is accessible from all EU Countries, thus, you just have to choose the EU State
you like more, sharpen your [juridical] Hattori Hanzo sword and sue your enemies wherever you feel
most comfortable [various and diverging natural scenarios, human beings, cuisines and types
of weather and Judges available].
Why getting depressed for negative
verdicts, after having had your work ingloriously stolen? Quentin, do the right
thing! Quentin, come to Europe!
I expect he's now wishing he'd made the six copies very slightly different, so he could now tell whose it was that leaked.
ReplyDeletePoor Quentin, draft scripts with different finals could be a great idea btw...