Cross-border IP Enforcement: a new research title

Here is a book which this Kat unashamedly welcomes, with the warning to readers that he has a vested interest in it,  The book in question is The Research Handbook On Cross-Border Enforcement Of Intellectual Property, published by his friends at Edward Elgar Publishing and edited by another friend, Paul Torremans (Professor of Intellectual Property Law, School of Law, University of Nottingham and a terrific scholar).  This Kat's interest is not merely in the well-being of his friends, though.  This handsome tome is the latest in the series of Research Handbooks in Intellectual Property -- the eighth in fact -- which has been delivering rather more than one book a year since the first volume appeared in 2008.

Of the book itself, much can be said (and will be said in due course by an objective reviewer, which this Kat cannot claim to be).  The list of contributors is impressive and includes such luminaries as Andrew Christie, Trevor Cook, François Dessementet, Christophe Geiger, Marshall Leaffer, the powerful pairing of Marius Schneider and Olivier Vrins who co-edited Oxford University Press's own mammoth practitioners' work on the same subject, Irini Stamatoudi and Peter Yu.  

This is how the publishers describe it:
The Research Handbook on Cross-border Enforcement of Intellectual Property systematically analyses the unique difficulties posed by cross-border intellectual property disputes in the modern world.

The contributions to this book focus on the enforcement of intellectual property primarily from a cross-border perspective. Infringement remains a problematic issue for emerging economies and so the book assesses some of the enforcement structures in a selection of these countries, as well as cross-border enforcement from a private international law perspective. Finally, the book offers a unique insight into the roles played by judges and arbitrators involved in cross-border intellectual property dispute resolution.
In other words, this is not a how-do-do-it manual but a research asset: it offers perspectives, not practical tips (though the reader will find many). 

Bibliographic data:  publication date December 2014. ix + 889 pages. Hardback ISBN 978 1 78195 579 6;  ebook ISBN 978 1 78195 580 2. Price £195 (online price £175.50). Rupture factor: quite considerable.  Book's website here.

Other books in the same series are
Cross-border IP Enforcement: a new research title Cross-border IP Enforcement: a new research title Reviewed by Jeremy on Thursday, January 08, 2015 Rating: 5

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