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A subtle message -- but will applicants get the hint? |
Januar 16, 2015 Über das HABMOHIM - je suis CharlieAs a general rule, OHIM's policy is not to comment on any individual cases of trade mark or design applications either before examination or at any stage of the application and registration cycle.
This Kat is most impressed by the speed and decisiveness with which OHIM has acted. He is also personally pleased to see OHIM issue a message that is designed to dampen the enthusiasm of speculative trade mark applicants who have no connection with the slogan and its provenance and who only want to make a fast buck from capitalising on it. He also observes the caution with which this notice is phrased. It correctly does not state that applications cannot be made to register JE SUIS CHARLIE, either by itself or in combination with figurative features, or that such applications will automatically be rejected on the grounds of Articles 7(1)(b) or 7(1)(f). That such objections will probably be raised is a warning to applicants that they must consider these absolute bars to registration very carefully if they seriously intend to sustain their applications.However, the IP issues surrounding the registration of the "Je suis Charlie" mark could be considered to be of overriding public interest.Therefore, according to OHIM's Guidelines for Examination on Community Trade Marks (Part B, Section 4), an application which consisted of or which contained the phrase "Je suis Charlie" would probably be subject to an objection under Article 7 (1) (f) of the Community Trade Mark Regulation, due to the fact that the registration of such a trade mark could be considered "contrary to public policy or to accepted principles of morality" and also on the basis of Artice 7(1)(b) as being devoid of distinctive character.
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Prior art ...? |
Neither the IPKat nor Merpel are aware of any other trade mark granting authority having taken a similar initiative, whether within the European Union or beyond it. Since OHIM is responsible only for Community trade marks, which are an autonomous system, its rulings and practices do not bind other offices that apply the same legal principles -- though they are often influential, especially where there is no other available guidance. If readers learn of similar -- or indeed different -- policy statements from other offices, can they please let the Kats know so that they can spread the word.

In its press release also the French IPO (INPI) militates the viewpoint that 'je suis charlie' lacks of destincive character. The slogan belongs to the public and it cannot be monetized by one single competitor on the market (see: http://www.inpi.fr/fr/l-inpi/espace-presse/communiques-de-presse/detail-communique/article/marque-je-suis-charlie-5968.html?cHash=29c53578373d677cdc62bca45557f40f).
ReplyDeleteThanks, Anonymous @14:23. So it seems that the French INPI is relying solely on lack of distinctive character; I wonder if that is because INPI has the same concefrns about applying the equivalent grounds to Art.7(1)(f) of the CTM Regulation.
ReplyDeleteThis may be a bit of mischief, an attempt to undermine trademarks. A provocative act intended to show trademarks in a poor light. T.C.
ReplyDeleteI note that the statement from OHIM only says "registration" whereas Merpel is wondering about "registration and use". Perhaps OHIM thinks people will be annoyed that a slogan that was free to use one day has been gobbled up by an unrelated chancer the next.
ReplyDeleteNeither the IPKat nor Merpel are aware of any other trade mark granting authority having taken a similar initiative
ReplyDeleteI seem to recall the UKIPO (as it then wasn't) issuing advice in the late 90s that marks around the theme of TWO THOUSAND or MILLENNIUM were likely to face a s3 objection.
You're quite right, Patently -- but when the IPKat and Merpel wrote "similar", what they had in mind was "similar with regard to JE SUIS CHARLIE". They should have been more precise.
ReplyDeleteMILLENNIUM is now fine again. According to the UKIPO Manual:
"Both spellings of the word [ie one 'l' or two] were not considered distinctive for goods or services associated with the recent millennium such as printed matter, figurines, jewellery, celebratory versions
of consumer products including foodstuffs, souvenirs, organisation of parties or restaurant services. The word is now considered to have lost its descriptive appeal and relevance. Therefore the word can be accepted unless clearly the subject matter of the goods/services applied for e g MILLENIUM PROJECTS for printed matter (relating to building projects to mark the millennium)."
This case remins me of two previous ones, except those two had their applications withdrawn: the"ice bucket challenge" and "Boston strong".
ReplyDeleteBoth sentences are too generic, having no distinctiveness at all and would have probably been rejected by the USPTO since their main objective was avoiding being used by others.