Yannos Paramythiotis |
Debate around
online copyright enforcement has intensified over the past few years,
particularly with regard to blocking injunctions, and will likely be even more
so this year.
The recent decision
of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in Telekabel [here and here] held that such measures are compatible
with EU law, and that it is left to the concerned internet service providers
(ISPs) to determine how best to achieve the result sought by the relevant
In the UK several
website blocking orders have been issued since the introduction of s97 CDPA,
and via the Cartier decision [here and here] it is now clear that such
measures are also available against websites
that advertise and sell counterfeit goods.
But how does website blocking work in other EU Member States, eg Greece?
Here's what Yannos writes:
"With a 49 page
decision (13478/2014) on 22 December 2014 that leaked on the internet before
its official release, the District Court of Athens dismissed the application of five Greek collective management organisations for an injunction that would
oblige Greek ISPs to block pirate sites.
The dismissal was justified
on fundamental freedoms grounds and conflict with the principle of
Grammo, Athina, OSDEL, AEPI
and EPOE are Greek collecting societies managing copyrights and related rights.
Relying on Art. 64A of the Greek Copyright Act, by which
Greece implemented Art. 8(3) of the InfoSoc
Directive into its
own national law, they requested that the defendant ISPs should enforce
technical measures to block websites infringing the rights of their members.
These included notorious torrent sites like thepiratebay.se, kat.ph and
isohunt.com and local online forum sites that provide their members with
hyperlinks leading to sites where infringing content can be downloaded (like
Rapidshare, Mediafire etc). One of the collective societies (Grammo,
representing phonogram producers) went further and requested that the ISPs
should be forced to deliver all archives containing Internet traffic data
relating to those sites. This information would then be used in trial following
a lawsuit against the owners of the infringing websites.
Copyright infringement does not trump data protection in Greece |
The Court’s
In relation to the request
for exposure of traffic data, the court held that the right of the collective
societies to request an order for communication of documents, according to the
Greek laws implementing Art. 6 of the Enforcement
Directive and Art.
15(2) of the Ecommerce
Directive can be only exercised in compliance with the
legislation regarding data protection and confidentiality of
According to that legislation ISPs are obliged to
reveal the identities of the persons behind the IP addresses and give
information about Internet traffic only in regard to certain specific major
offences listed in an exclusive manner in Art. 4 of Law 2225/1994. Copyright infringement is not within
that list.
As long as the list is not
amended, copyright and related rights holders are practically deprived of that
legal instrument. In view of that, the significance of blocking orders is even
greater for rights holders. It is worth mentioning that the Greek culture
minister proposed the inclusion of copyright infringement in the aforesaid list
through an amendment proposal brought to the Greek Parliament on 22 December 2014.
The proposal was however withdrawn following harsh criticism from the opposition
and some MPs of the coalition government parties.
Concerning the request to
block access to specific websites the court’s reasoning is –in its main points-
as follows:
- Linking does not
constitute copyright infringement neither as an act of reproduction nor as an
act of making available to the public. The Court made no reference
to Svensson [Katposts here] but only to
pre-Svensson outdated theory. Did the judge disagree with the CJEU
regarding the nature of the act of linking or was she simply not familiar with
the decision [that would be in contrast with Dutch Advocate
Generals, who are instead very much
familiar with Svensson and
its progeny]? Here’s a lost opportunity to have Greek case law on whether linking to
unlawful content is communication to a “new” public or not.
Washington scandals? A walk in the park compared to ignoring Svensson |
- The content
distributed through p2p technology is not necessarily infringing. It could
include free information or works. This would be either because these lack
originality or because they have fallen into the public domain or because their
communication to the public is permitted by the authors, eg under a creative
commons license. The same can be said in relation to sites giving access to
torrent files or links. The fact that an IP/DNS blocking measure cannot
discriminate between infringing and legal content can deprive Internet users of
access to online information, thus violating their freedom to information and
freedom to participate in the Information Society (see Art. 5A of the Greek Constitution). This is
the CJEU reasoning in Scarlet [and also in Telekabel].
In that case the CJEU ruled on the legality of content filtering, ie the installation
of a system that would monitor all the electronic communications made with the
use of p2p software through the network of the ISP. The Greek court extended the
decision’s reasoning to IP/DNS filtering. The websites could also contain
lawful data. Users’ access rights prevail over IP rights. The court equated the
legal implications of two different technological measures (content filtering –
IP/DNS filtering). Is this justified? In order for one to decide, one would
have to know at least the lawful content/infringing content ratio of the
- The measure
of blocking is not suitable to achieve protection of the rights holders,
because the said websites can be easily transferred to a new IP and DNS. This
fact, in combination with the disproportionate limitation of users’ and ISPs’
rights, leads to a conflict between the measure sought and the principle of
Be specific, please! |
- Such a measure
can only be acceptable if it leads to the blocking of a specific part of a
website but not of the website as a whole. So this means that in
contrast to “www.example.gr” the blocking of “www.example.gr/piratedmovie” is
OK. With that assessment the Court overcame the obstacle of freedom
of information and gave rights holders the ability to request the blocking of
specific parts of websites that distribute infringing content. The rest of the
website that offers legitimate content remains accessible. No freedom of
information or freedom to participate in the Information Society violation. Do
we have the privilege of creating the term “deep-blocking”?
Apart from the above
mentioned the court “borrowed” from Scarlet also in regard to
the antithesis of blocking measures to Art. 15(1) of the Ecommerce directive
and to the ISPs’ freedom to conduct business. The nature of the requested
measure makes it difficult to follow such an opinion. Website blocking is an
inexpensive “one off” measure while content filtering is an on-going costly
procedure that covers all future data transmission through a specific technology
To sum up: the Athens Court
rejected blocking measures in all cases with the sole exception of blocking
specific parts of a website. The decision is in contrast with the earlier – and the
first one ever in Greece - 4658/2012 decision of
the same Court, which found that the requested blocking of two websites is
proportionate and in compliance with constitutional rights."