Still on the leaked IA ... |
This may not be just a good exam question for
undergraduate IP law students [note to self: something for next year],
but also lawyers and policy-makers currently discussing EU copyright reform.
As reported by this blog, earlier this week
Statewatch leaked a draft version of the Commission Staff Working Document - Impact
Assessment on the modernisation of EU copyright rules [it is however unclear whether the one leaked is the version currently
being considered by the Commission].
The document is extremely interesting for various reasons. Among the things,
the Commission addresses the problem of right holders facing great
difficulties, or being unable, "to negotiate with online service
providers that store and give access to large amounts of protected content
uploaded by their users. This results in right holders having limited control
over the use and the remuneration for the use of their content." [p
124, the so called 'value gap'].
After describing the terms of
the problem, the Commission notes [pp 128-129] the following:
"Under copyright law, right holders can
exercise their right to authorize and exploit commercially the communication to
the public of their works or other protected subject-matter, by the conclusion
of licenses in return for payment of remuneration, if they so choose. When
content is disseminated online, an act of communication to the public [within
Article 3 of the InfoSoc Directive] takes
place which may, depending on the circumstances, involve more than one actor.
The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has not addressed the
specific case of online services giving access to content uploaded by their
users. With some exceptions, national case law is not very clear either as to
who engages into an act of communication to the public when content is uploaded
on a sharing website. As a result, a case by case assessment is needed for
deciding who is communicating to the public."
Is this true however?
In my view [elaborated in this article], the current legislative framework -
including at the CJEU level - already provides a response in this respect:
passive [in the L'Oréal sense] hosting
providers cannot be held primarily responsible for acts of
communication to the public in relation to content provided by third parties and made available through their services.
Exercising at Reha Training |
The Reha Training decision
With particularly regard to the right
of communication to the public, this conclusion (applicable by analogy to other
exclusive rights) appears supported by relevant CJEU case law, including the
recent decision in Reha Training [here].
There the CJEU held
that, in assessing the existence of an act of
communication to the public, several criteria – each of which non-autonomous
but rather interdependent in nature – should be taken into account. These
criteria may come into consideration differently in different scenarios. This
said, the concept of 'communication to the public' combines two cumulative
elements: (1) an 'act of communication' that is (2) directed to a 'public'.
The first criterion, ie an ‘act of
communication’, includes any transmission of a copyright work, irrespective of
the medium used or the technical means employed. Each transmission or retransmission of a work that uses a specific
technical means should be in principle individually authorised by the relevant
Turning to the second
criterion (that the communication at issue be directed to a ‘public’), the term
'public' refers to an indeterminate number of potential recipients, and
also implies a fairly large number of people (ie above de minimis).
In addition, to fall within the concept of 'communication to the public' a
work must be directed to a 'new public", ie an audience that was not taken
into account by the relevant rightholder when he authorised the initial
communication of the work.In this context, it is necessary to take into
consideration the indispensable role of the user without
whom the ‘new public’ would not have access to the copyright work in question.
More specifically,
“in order for there to be a communication to the public, that user must,
in full knowledge of the consequences of its actions, give access to the …
protected work to an additional public and that it appears thereby that, in the
absence of that intervention those ‘new’ viewers are unable to enjoy the …
works”. [para 46]
Although to have an act of
communication to the public several criteria should be considered, it appears
that the indispensable role of the user may be a conditio sine qua non for
Article 3(1) of the InfoSoc Directive to apply, at least in the interpretation
of Article 3(1) recently provided by Advocate General (AG) Wathelet in GS Media [here].
GS Media: where it all started ... |
The AG Opinion in GS Media
GS Media is
a reference for a preliminary ruling from the Dutch Supreme Court, seeking
clarification on whether linking to unlicensed content is to be regarded as an
act of communication to the public.
In his Opinion AG Wathelet reviewed the
two relevant cumulative criteria under Article 3(1) of the
InfoSoc Directive: (1) an ‘act of communication’ of a work, (2) directed
to a ‘public’. In relation to the former in particular, according to the AG in
order to establish an act of communication, “the intervention of the
‘hyperlinker’ must be vital or indispensable in order to benefit from or
enjoy works.”
Hyperlinks posted on a website that
direct to copyright works freely accessible on another website cannot be
classified as an ‘act of communication’: the intervention of the operator of
the website that posts the hyperlinks is not indispensable to the making
available of the works in question to users. It is rather the intervention
of the operator of the website that posts the protected works that is
indispensable within Article 3(1) of the InfoSoc Directive.
Further to the decision in Reha
Training and the AG Opinion in GS Media [yet,
it is to be seen whether the CJEU agrees with AG ...],
it is arguable that – in the case of a copyright work made available through
the service of a passive online intermediary (host) – the latter would not
commit an act of (unauthorised) communication to the public (potentially giving
rise to primary liability for copyright infringement), because the role that is
‘indispensable’ in the whole process is the one of the third-party/uploader,
rather than that of the hosting provider.
A passive hosting provider does not do
any of the acts restricted by copyright per se, nor does it usually
authorise others to do so.
This conclusion is in line with
relevant case law at the level of individual Member States.
The situation would be different if:
(i) the provider at hand authorised – contrary to current practices and content
of most terms of service – users to upload and share content independently
from whether these acts would infringe third-party rights; (ii) the provider
was aware of the infringing nature of the content uploaded; or (iii) the
provider played an ‘active role’ in the L’Oréal sense. These
scenarios would however lead to situations similar to the ones envisaged – and
sanctioned – by the current wording of Article 14 of the Ecommerce Directive.
For those interested, a more detailed
discussion is presented in this article of
I don't think the main concern of the Commission is whether a "passive host" communicates works to the public or not. The controversial point is whether a sharing platform (like You Tube) qualifies as a passive host in the first place. If it does not, then it may either lose the safe harbour of the e-commerce directive or infringe the right to communicate to the public, or both. National courts have ruled inconsistently on the matter, and the CJEU has not addressed the matter yet.