This Kitten is delighted to bring you the 140th edition of Never Too Late covering the posts from 13 until 19 March!
Friday Fantasies
InternKat Tian Lu recaps IP news and events including a training program for judges in Strasbourg.
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It’s Never Too Late for playing around the IPKat posts! |
Kat konfusion regarding passing off: likelihood of confusion and the Starbucks (HK) case
IPKat Neil Wilkof muses about the complexity of the three requirements of passing off and the issue of likelihood of confusion as they played out in the UKSC’s Starbucks (HK) decision.
IPKat Neil Wilkof muses about the complexity of the three requirements of passing off and the issue of likelihood of confusion as they played out in the UKSC’s Starbucks (HK) decision.
Thursday Thingies
This Kitten reports forthcoming events in Bournemouth (3D Printing), Budapest, Minnesota, Basel and Geneva.
This Kitten reports forthcoming events in Bournemouth (3D Printing), Budapest, Minnesota, Basel and Geneva.
Wednesday Whimsies
InternKat Hayleigh Bosher summarizes IP news and events including an IP Ball.
InternKat Hayleigh Bosher summarizes IP news and events including an IP Ball.
First live blocking order granted in the UK
IPKat Eleonora Rosati discusses the first injunction granted in the UK for blocking streaming servers, which give access to unauthorized live streaming content.
IPKat Eleonora Rosati discusses the first injunction granted in the UK for blocking streaming servers, which give access to unauthorized live streaming content.
The scope of a well-known mark: not always as broad as some might wish
Kat friend Latha Nair discusses the case of Cipla Limited v. Cipla Industries Pvt Ltd in India, which involved the use of a well-known mark as trade name in respect to dissimilar goods.
Kat friend Latha Nair discusses the case of Cipla Limited v. Cipla Industries Pvt Ltd in India, which involved the use of a well-known mark as trade name in respect to dissimilar goods.
Monday miscellany
InternKat Tian Lu recaps IP news and events including the UKIPO call for views regarding illicit IPTV streaming devices.
InternKat Tian Lu recaps IP news and events including the UKIPO call for views regarding illicit IPTV streaming devices.
Around the IP Blogs
InternKat Tian Lu covers the latest posts from some IP blogs.
InternKat Tian Lu covers the latest posts from some IP blogs.
UK's IP Enforcement Framework-IPO Research Bid Opportunity (Update)
IPkat Neil Wilkof announces the deadline for submitting applications to UKIPO research bid.
IPkat Neil Wilkof announces the deadline for submitting applications to UKIPO research bid.
Never Too Late 139 [week ending on Sunday 12 March] | Shall we dance? Regulatory approval, trade secrets and the transatlantic biosimilars patent wars | Biosimilars and generics as "rip-offs": when the facts may not matter | UK's IP Enforcement Framework - IPO Research Bid Opportunity | Curtain - Merpel's final EPO post | Amgen, Pfizer, Alphabet and Uber face up to trade secrets in biosimilars, self driving cars and product launch plans | BREAKING: Politico publishes (part of) draft copyright report by MEP Comodini Cachia | Parallel imports are permitted--unless they are not: the case of SAMSONITE in Singapore | UPC to open in December - a triumph of hope over experience? | The KitKat shape mark – no merging of territories for proof of acquired distinctiveness
Never Too Late 138 [week ending on Sunday 5 March] | BREAKING: High Court grants declaration that products obvious/anticipated at claimed priority dates | TVCatchup 2 and the harmonising vision of the CJEU | Will the Arrow hit the Humira target? Find out tomorrow! | Corks popping following account of profits decision | "Kit Kat" finger shape marks: this time in Singapore | Two events in March | MIP International Patent Forum 2017 | More Than Just a Game - 2017 edition | INTA comes to Barcelona in May for its Annual Meeting (early bird registration, but not for long)
Never Too Late 137 [week ending on Sunday 26 February] | Patents and the Silicon Valley of clothespins | Interested in EU copyright and wish to discuss it in Florence? Here's the event for you | ARGOS - trade marks, domains, and google advertising | Swedish Patent and Market Court of Appeal orders block of The Pirate Bay and Swefilmer | The Enforcement Directive permits punitive damages - or does it? | Trader keeps the [good] faith in a spare part in trademark doublebill | Book Review: The Informal Economy in Developing Nations - Hidden Edge of Innovation? | Copyright law in the UAE: it's not what you might think | Monday Miscellany | Major changes to trademark law in Turkey: read all about it
Never Too Late 136 [week ending on Sunday 19 February] | Tartan Army scores own goal? | Book review: "Brandfather: John Murphy, The Man Who Invented Branding" | IP Summit 2016 (Second Part) | Around the IP Blogs! | Monday miscellany
Never Too Late: If you missed the IPKat last week!
Reviewed by Verónica Rodríguez Arguijo
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

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