and temperatures may change, but you can always count on Never Too Late!
The 168th
edition is here for you!
started with a Book
review--Create, Copy, Disrupt: India’s Intellectual Property
Kat Neil tells us with excitement about this comprehensive book,
which not only deals with current issues in the Indian IP scene but
also gives it a broader social, political and economic context. Spice
up your bookshelves with this volume!
Eleonora continues her quest to discover more about the freedom of
panorama exception (for some previous episodes, see here,
and here).
This time the question is Freedom
of Panorama: would it hurt architects? Survey among Italian-based
architects says NO.
Find out why!
October 1st,
the UK's Intellectual Property (Unjustified Threats) Act 2017 came
into force. In The
new unjustified threats bill – do's and dont’s,
former InternKat Ellie Wilson gives her point of view on how to best
approach the new provisions.
miss out! International
Copyright Law returns to London
on November 27 and 28.
you'd like to catch up on the last year of trade mark litigation or
to just have a neat summary, check out Darren Meale's Retromark
Volume II: the last six months in trade marks
(and Volume
I as well).
IPKat has been a very keen reader this week! In Book
Review Times Two: GI at the Crossroads of Trade, Development, and
Culture and GI - Global and Local perspectives
Kat Nicola and Kat Friend Josie Bright each reports on one of them
for us. Plenty to learn!
an interesting Sunday discussion, Kat Neil, in light of recent years'
political events, asks the question: Does
the retreat from internationalism mean the retreat of IP?
If yes, what would the impact on IP be?
![]() |
Kat-ngaroo |
roundups: Monday
Miscellany, Around
the IP Blogs, Thursday
Thingies, Saturday
Image credits: gigibiru kukuning
Too Late 167 [week ending Sunday 8 October]
the German press publishers' right lawful? More details on the CJEU
reference | Community registered designs & the CJEU - Nintendo v
Big Ben | In
memoriam Maurice Bluestein: "Baby--it's cold outside"; the
story and nomenclature of the Wind Chill Index | Book Review: The
Fundamental Right to Data Protection | Brexit: The IP Position Paper
and trade marks | Brexit and Brands: 536 days and counting – what
is the UK going to do? | Sunday Surprises
Too Late 166
ending Sunday 1 October] Book
Review: What if we could reimagine copyright? | Italian Supreme Court
confirms availability of copyright protection to TV formats | EU
certification mark: It's coming your way on October 1st | Pemetrexed
pops up in Milan | Medical data in a twist - Technomed v Bluecrest |
Proposed EMA relocation: staff survey update | Event: The impact of
Brexit on the UK copyright regime | Waiting for the approval of the
EU Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market | 'TOBBIA' EU
trade mark declared invalid for conflict with 'PEPPA PIG' EU trade
Too Late 165
ending Sunday 24 September] German
Federal Court of Justice rules that GS Media presumption of knowledge
does not apply to Google Images| Life
as an IP Lawyer: Washington, D.C.| Furie-ous creator of Pepe the Frog
determined to use copyright to get his green creation back | Book
Review: Marketing and Advertising Law in a Process of Harmonisation |
Special interview with the Chief Executive of the Intellectual
Property Office of Singapore on new one billion dollar innovation
fund (and more) | Conference Report: Zurich IP Retreat 2017 - Patents
and Hindsight (Part I and II) | Does Allergan's Saint Regis Mohawk
Tribe transactional move "rip off consumers"?
Too Late 164
ending Sunday 17 September]
Joint JIPLP-GRUR event: A Distinctive Mess? Current Trade Mark Law
and Practice in the EU and UK | 6th Global Forum on Intellectual
Property: Ideas to Assets | Reality TV stars: performers?
...employees?... Neither? | Monkey Selfie Dispute| The Selfie Monkey
case: the end?,|Schweppes = Schweppes - AG Opinion in parallel goods
dispute. | The Israel Supreme Court adopts the conceptual
separability test of the US Copyright Office, rejecting the Star
Athletica standard| Maradona sues Dolce&Gabbana over 2016
'MARADONA' jersey|
Never Too Late: if you missed the IPKat Last Week!
Reviewed by Cecilia Sbrolli
Sunday, November 12, 2017

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