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Quarantine-mandated attire or deliberate fashion choice? |
At a time when 'social' - or, rather, physical - distancing has become a given, 'non-essential' shops have been and in several countries are still closed, and no events can be held in person, here is a series of webinars organised by Fashion Law London (a project of which I am part) on key fashion law-related developments, issues, and challenges.
From 29 June to 1 July 2020, there will be 3 days of fashion law updates in the form of 3 1-hour webinars which can be followed live and/or watched later at any time.
Participants will have the opportunity to:
- be informed about and discuss the most topical fashion law developments, mostly from a European perspective (including EU and national updates);
- tailor their participation based on their interests and needs: it is in fact possible to purchase access to and recordings of 1, 2, or all the 3 webinars.
Here’s the programme of the first ‘The Virtual Fashion Law Update’:
Fashion and IP: Latest Developments (Module 1)
Monday, 29 June 2020; 12:00 pm BST
Significant developments have occurred in the IP field over the past few months, which will be having a substantial impact on the type and level of protection afforded to fashion creations, brands, and fashion houses’ most precious intangible assets alike.
Join Dr Eleonora Rosati and explore the latest protection trends: from the type of protection available to garments to that enjoyed by retail store layouts, from the registrability as trade marks of patterns, colours and shapes, to the protection available to 'shocking' terms.
You will learn what fashion houses and those advising them need to be aware of even before devising relevant IP protection strategies.
For more information and to register, click here.
Fashion and IP: Covid, Brexit and planning for the future (Module 2)
Tuesday, 30 June 2020; 12:00 pm BST
Covid impacts everything from brand value and budgets to the importance of influencers… and just in case we had forgotten, Brexit is looming on the horizon.
Join Rosie Burbidge for a review of the practical consequences associated with (i) Covid, (ii) recent IP cases such as Cofemel and SkyKick and (iii) the end of the Brexit transition period.
You will learn what opportunities and strategies are available for the fashion industry at this uncertain time.
For more information and to register, click here.
Online Fashion: Getting It Right in the Covid-19 Era (Module 3)
Wednesday, 1 July 2020; 12:00 pm BST
Following the forced closure of brick and mortar stores due to the explosion of the Covid-19 pandemic, the relevance of e-commerce for fashion businesses has never been greater.
Join Giulia Gasparin for a 1-hour presentation covering online sales models and their respective contractual and regulatory frameworks.
You will learn best practices to shape and adapt brands’ e-commerce strategy and practical tips to meet compliance while maximising revenue growth and containing costs.
For more information and to register, click here.
Fashion Law London: The Virtual Fashion Law Update
Reviewed by Eleonora Rosati
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

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