First up was Cheah Yew Kuin, Senior Counsel, Global Content Protection, 21st Century

Following was Ngiam Keemin, Director of Legal with Netflix in Singapore. Most notable in his words was the repeated observation that the company’s goal is to bring to the entire (subscription-paying) public the same content on-demand on a word-wide basis. This quest for world-wide coverage has at least two possible consequences. First, it has the potential to diminish piracy by reducing (eliminating?) the incentives for piracy due to differences in the roll-out schedule of a given original film or series. Pirates flourish when such a roll-out is staggered over time across jurisdictions. Second, a simultaneous roll-out enables users to engage in a world-wide “conversation’ over the contents so viewed. [Merpel notes that the expense side of Netflix’s acquisition process, which is understood to be substantial, was not discussed.]
The session then moved to sports programming, the speaker being Yeo Kok Siew, Director, Distribution & Partnerships (Asia), for beIN Sports Asia Pacific. The focus of the company is the streaming of live sporting events, primarily on a “business to business” basis, whereby it bundles sports contents for carriers (although the business model is changing a bit to include a “business to consumer” segment as well). Perhaps the most interesting juxtapose of the content challenges of beIN Sports is with the Netflix situation. For beIN Sports, the contents available are not uniform, but differ from one national market to another. As such, when interwoven with the various contact arrangements that are required, diversity is the key to understanding the company’s content offerings. Given this, for the company, technology is primarily about making its delivery of sports contents ever-more efficient in the face of these territorial challenges.

The Q & A that followed touched briefly on what, in this Kat’s eyes, is the 800-pound gorilla in the room of on-line contents and the role of technology, namely the issue of market concentration. For instance, an entity engaged primarily in content distribution presumably wants as much competition as possible among the providers of the content to be distributed. As for the degree of market power in the distribution of such contents, however, multiple competitors may not be such a good thing. From this perspective, the connection between concentration and the quest for scale, and the role of technology in these dynamics, is worthy of further attention at a future conference.
By Neil Wilkof
Copyright monetisation: does technology help or hinder? IPWeek @ SG 2018
Reviewed by Neil Wilkof
Friday, October 05, 2018

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