In over 10 years of practice, the AmeriKat has only appeared before a woman judge once - a breach of confidence return date. This is not particularly surprising given the stats: although 68% of law students are women, only just over 20% of High Court judges and 29% of law firm partners are women. More work needs to be done, but things are changing. There are an increasing number of women lawyers sitting as judges and hearing a wide breadth of IP and tech cases in the English courts.
So how do we get the next wave of women to the bench? This is the question that the London Chapter of ChIPs will be asking an esteemed panel of women IP/tech judges who have already forged their path to the bench. Please join Her Honour Melissa Clarke, District Judge Janet Lambert, Kelyn Bacon QC and special guests to discuss their paths to the bench, the challenges and opportunities they have encountered and how we go about supporting more women to sit on the bench. With huge thanks to sponsors Simmons & Simmons, there will be networking and drinks following the event.
You can register for the event at this link here.
Members pay £10, with the proceeds going to Code First: Girls, a non-profit charity helping women enter the tech industry by providing free coding classes in the UK. Membership to ChIPs is free and welcome to anyone who supports the mission of increasing diversity in tech, law and policy. You can sign up here and learn more about ChIPs here and the London Chapter (here).
ChIPs London Event: Take your seat at the bench - An evening with the IP/Tech Judges
Reviewed by Annsley Merelle Ward
Monday, October 29, 2018

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