This Kat has just learned of an event on Monday evening which will be of interest to London based readers interested in inventions in the field of computing.
Hosted by Queen Mary University of London at Kilburn & Strode's offices at Lacon London, the event involves presentations from the technical board of appeal responsible for examining appeals in the fields of computing and computer-implemented inventions. The board will present on recent case law developments and topics include "Debating the Line between Technical and Non-Technical Matter" and "Technical Contribution in a User Interface". Q&A and drinks to follow.
This is an unprecedented (if short notice) opportunity to meet the entire EPO computer-implemented inventions Board of Appeal. Ticket bookings and further details can be found here.
Event: Computer-Implemented Inventions - Monday 8 Oct 2018
Reviewed by Eibhlin Vardy
Thursday, October 04, 2018
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