Post by Jeremy and Ilanah:
The IPKat has just received a copy of the 30th issue of the Proceedings of the Hungarian Group of AIPPI (the International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property). The Proceedings, happily published in English and even more happily revised byTimothy Holbrook, an Assistant Professor at the Chicago-Kent College of Law), contain some cogent material that is of both practical importance and academic interest. Features include:
* Istvan Gödölle, “Bad Faith in Trademark Law”
* Éva Szigeti, “The Community Trade Mark and the Accession of Hungary to the EU”
* Endre Millisits, “Consumer Protection Aspects in the Hungarian Trademark Act”
* Vilmos Bacher, “Protection of Industrial Property Rights by Criminal Law, with regard to the Civil Law Aspects of Infringement”
* Tivadar Palágyi, “Main Features of the Amended Hungarian Patent Act”
The IPKat is pleased to see the high level of commitment and enthusiasm shown by Hungarian IP practitioners to the development of IP theory and to the monitoring of IP practice, which should stand it in good stead when that country enters the EU next month.
AIPPI here
Other major IP bodies: FICPI, LES, INTA
* Istvan Gödölle, “Bad Faith in Trademark Law”
* Éva Szigeti, “The Community Trade Mark and the Accession of Hungary to the EU”
* Endre Millisits, “Consumer Protection Aspects in the Hungarian Trademark Act”
* Vilmos Bacher, “Protection of Industrial Property Rights by Criminal Law, with regard to the Civil Law Aspects of Infringement”
* Tivadar Palágyi, “Main Features of the Amended Hungarian Patent Act”
The IPKat is pleased to see the high level of commitment and enthusiasm shown by Hungarian IP practitioners to the development of IP theory and to the monitoring of IP practice, which should stand it in good stead when that country enters the EU next month.
AIPPI here
Other major IP bodies: FICPI, LES, INTA
Reviewed by Verónica Rodríguez Arguijo
Sunday, April 11, 2004
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