Post by Jeremy and Ilanah:
In case you've been wondering why the IPKat has been so quiet for the past week, don't worry -- he has been in New York. His excuse for this transatlantic excursion was his attendance at the12th Annual Conference on International Intellectual Property Law and Policy at Fordham University. He, and 320 attendees from 22 countries, were entertained and provoked by a variety of sharply delivered papers ranging from patents to copyright, trade marks, geographical indications and antitrust. The thing that distinguishes Fordham from other law conferences is the sheer intensity of its focus. Prominent speakers drawn from the judiciary, legal policy makers and academics as well as IP owners and private practitioners were forced to justify their views in front of critical panels of their peers. Papers, often no more than 10 to 15 minutes in duration, became the subject of vigorous and often dramatic debate as big name IP experts came under sustained fire and were required to defend their IP beliefs. This conference is the brainchild of Professor Hugh Hansen, whose enthusiasm, drive and personality do so much to make this a unique event in the annual IP calendar.
Prominent speakers on the judicial side included Fidelma Macken of the ECJ, Nicholas Forwood of the CFI, the Hon. Randall R Rader, Sir Hugh Laddie and Sir Nicholas Pumfrey, Lord Slynn of Hadley and Judge Ryuichi Shitara of the Tokyo High Court. On the administrative side speakers included Alison Brimelow, Alexander von Muehlendahl, Marybeth Peters of the US Copyright Office and the US Commissioner for Patents. There were also many top-quality academics and practitioner - in fact, too many to name here. However, you can get full details of the conference programme here. The IPKat had an informative and highly enjoyable time and strongly recommends anyone who has the opportunity to atttend next year's conference.
New York cats here
Prominent speakers on the judicial side included Fidelma Macken of the ECJ, Nicholas Forwood of the CFI, the Hon. Randall R Rader, Sir Hugh Laddie and Sir Nicholas Pumfrey, Lord Slynn of Hadley and Judge Ryuichi Shitara of the Tokyo High Court. On the administrative side speakers included Alison Brimelow, Alexander von Muehlendahl, Marybeth Peters of the US Copyright Office and the US Commissioner for Patents. There were also many top-quality academics and practitioner - in fact, too many to name here. However, you can get full details of the conference programme here. The IPKat had an informative and highly enjoyable time and strongly recommends anyone who has the opportunity to atttend next year's conference.
New York cats here
Reviewed by Verónica Rodríguez Arguijo
Monday, April 19, 2004
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