* co-editor Véronique Musson's cover story on the controversial issue of the registration of Lego bricks as trade marks and the consequent patchiness of legal protection;According to the IPKat's calculations, the next issue of the WTR is likely to be the one it takes to Chicago to showcase its marketing drive at the INTA Meeting; he bets it'll be a cracker.
* Vladimir Biriulin writing on the efforts made by Russia to update its trade mark registration and enforcement infrastructure in the light of modern commercial and industrial needs;
* Matthias Koch and Kathrin Samwer (Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer's Cologne office) giving their consideration to the impact on the European Court of Justice ruling in Case C-539/03 Roche v Primus on the cross-border enforcement of trade marks in Europe.

Left: This surreal dog and its owner is among the works for sale via Art Hit
Merpel says, I bet the choice of new breeds is really determined by how stupid their names sound. But what do puggles and labradoodles call themselves, that's the real question.
Sausage dogs (that's the English for Wiener dogs) here
Hot dogs here
Salty dog here

Far from dying out the bloodhound has a resurgence thanks to legislation. Hunts are no longer allowed to chase after foxes so instead they follow the scent left by a smelly piece of cloth attached to a string; drag hunting. Foxhounds are not very efficient at following such trails and are being replaced with bloodhounds. A couple of weeks ago in Surrey I saw riders with a dozen couple of bloodhounds returning on a main road.