Following the recent post on this weblog concerning the unsuccessful attempt of the owner of the EMILIO PUCCI word mark for women's clothes to prevent the registration in the UK of a figurative mark PUCCI for pets' cosmetics and accessories (see
here), the IPKat has heard from his learned Iberian friend
Juan Rubio who writes:
"This is funny: there is a fight in the United Kingdom between Emilio Pucci and Pucci for pets' products. In Spain however the biggest department store chain - El Corte Inglés, with a turnover of more than 6,000 million euros a year - has its own trade mark for clothes. This mark, remarkably, is Emidio Tucci (see website here)".

The IPKat has checked it out and this does indeed seem to be the case. This does not surprise him: he recalls that the Spanish company came off second-best in a scrap against its Florentine foe in
Case T-8/03 El Corte Inglés v OHIM, in which it failed to block the registration of Pucci's signature mark as a Community trade mark (see earlier post

Merpel's dying to know all about Emilio and Emidio. Do (or did) they really exist? Did they both write their names like that, or were the signatures the handiwork of an artschool graduate? And why couldn't they have worked together, instead of working so hard to enrich the legal profession and confuse the public?
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