V&S Vin & Spirit, the proprietor of Absolut (the trade mark of Swedish vodka) has commenced proceedings against the rebranded Virgin Radio, Absolute Radio.
As well as the vodka trade mark V&S owns the Absolut Tracks music project, and claims Virgin Radio is infringing its trade mark and passing its services off as those of V&S. A spokeswoman for V&S stated, "The reason for this is that we consider there is a risk of confusion. We have a well known brand and there is an obvious risk of confusion between Absolut vodka and Absolute Radio. We have filed a complaint and now we go into the legal process."

Can listeners tell the difference between a vodka brand and a radio brand? Merpel suggests it depends on how much vodka.
Absolute Power
Reviewed by Johanna Gibson
Sunday, October 12, 2008

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