• Jane Ginsburg - A highly influential academic and teacher who has written some of the most important IP-related books of modern times.The IPKat sends his heartiest congratulations to all five, at least two of whom he considers to be really scary and definitely the sort of people you'd want to have on your side in a scrap. Merpel says, hasn't the time come for the organisers to promote an IP Hall of Shame, so that we can nominate those villains who do so much to undermine our beloved subject by saying things like "patents don't work" or, worse, by making it seem boring ...
• Francis Gurry - Recently confirmed as the new Director-General of the World Intellectual Property Organisation and a key figure in the development of the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Centre.
• Dolores Hanna - The first female president of the International Trademark Association and a highly influential figure in the development of trade mark law and practice across the world.
• Michael Kirk - Recently retired as the Executive Director of the American Intellectual Property Association after 13 years of service. An outstanding advocate for IP both in the US and internationally.
• Niels Reimers - A former director of Stanford University's Office of Technology
Licensing who developed the "marketing model", the predominant strategy used by
US academic technology transfer enterprises.
IP Hall of Fame -- latest inductees
Reviewed by Jeremy
Wednesday, October 01, 2008

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