Right: Not all slag is so unglamorous -- here's a Spruce Green Slag Cat Iridised, 1998
Today, in Corus UK Ltd v Qual-Chem Ltd [2008] EWCA Civ 1177, the Court of Appeal for England and Wales has dismissed Corus's appeal in respect of which, it said:
"Neither side suggests that this case involves our having to decide any question of legal principle",which presumably is why it needs a team of three appellate lawyers to hear it. Anyway, leading the decision of the Court (Lord Justice Pill, Lord Justice Scott Baker and Lord Justice Jacob), Jacob LJ had this to say:
"Although Corus pleaded many more points originally, the Judge had to deal with what, by my count, were no less than 10 discrete points or sub-points. The taking of many points is often the mark of a party which does not feel it has a single "killer". So it proved before the Judge who rejected all of them".

There's a note on the earlier decision in the Kilburn & Strode newsletter here.
Ten zeros still add up to zero, as Corus seeks killer point in vain
Reviewed by Jeremy
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

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