The past week has been, as usual, a hectic one for the IPKat, Merpel and the IP fraternity in general so, if you've missed anything over the last seven days, here's a list of all the articles they've posted (other than the usual Monday, Miscellany, Wednesday Whimsies and Friday Fantasies):
* "Litigating IP in the General Court: can anyone help?", here. This is a request for information concerning a new set of Practice Directions. That guidance has now been added to this post.
* "The tale of Tatty Devine: of tweets, trends and trouble for Claire", here. Cat the Kat gives an account of an episode of copying in which effective use of the social media brought a swift end to unwanted imitation by a high-street competitor.
* "Giant hobbit threat to student drinkers", here. The owners of an iconic fictional character move into action against a pub which has been using its IP properties for a surprisingly long time.
* "Can Michael Jordan slam dunk naming rights case in China?", here. Cat the Kat takes a look at a brazen attempt to shrug off what to Western eyes looks like a bit of character theft.
* "KAT UPDATE: Home Secretary approves TVShack creator's extradition", here. Building on earlier Katposts, Cat the Kat writes on a decision to send an alleged copyright infringer to the US for trial, a decision which has been much discussed in the media and by readers of this blog.
* "The First, but of how many? India grants compulsory licence for Bayer drug Sorafenib", here. Darren looks closely at a controversial Indian Patent Office ruling that has set off alarm bells in proprietary pharmaceutical circles everywhere.
* "A storm in a pint glass", here. From David, appropriately based in Ireland, comes an intelligent post on the political sensitivities that ask questions of Nike's decision to use the "Black and Tan" brand.
* "What limitations does TRIPS put on compulsory licensing?", here. Darren pursues the Indian compulsory patent licence issue more deeply, within the context of compliance with TRIPS obligations.
* "The Sound of Music: the Court of Justice rules", here. A short, factual summary of the first of two fresh Court of Justice of the European Union rulings on the meaning of communication to the public", here involving phonogram transmissions to hotel bedrooms.
* "From Curia to Caries: music to the public in the dentist's chair", here. The second CJEU ruling (see above), this time involving music played in dentists' surgeries.
* "Antiques, Fakes and Everything In Between", here. Some reflections by Neil on the relative value of original works and identical copies, placed within a cultural and historical context.
* "Headmaster releases the Whizzkid's Handbook from confiscation", here. Referring to his earlier post, David reports on the mysterious reappearance of the European Patent Office's handbook on quality procedures.
* "Hands off my Fat Duck -- or your goose will be cooked!", here. Another Cat the Kat special, analysing the attempt of a UK-based restorateur to preserve his brand against an unwanted Australian too-close-thanks competitor.
* "Sink or swim - BGH decides "Das Boot" fairness compensation claim", here. Birgit gives a fascinating account of the saga of German cameraman Joe Vacano's efforts to secure a retro pay-out to reflect his contribution to a successful film.
* "“[T]he issue of principle . . . is that there is no issue of principle.”", here. Norman gives a lucid account of Judge Birss QC's summary of principles relevant to the grant or refusal of interim injunctive relief, in a hearty tussle between Bristol-Myers Squibb and Teva over the prospect of the latter launching a generic version of efavirenz.
Looking for something? Last week's Katposts
Reviewed by Jeremy
Monday, March 19, 2012

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