Designs (registered and unregistered) are only offered protection in Europe
if they are new and have individual character compared with all the designs
which have gone before.
Those prior designs have to have been “made available to the public”. Article 7(1) of the Community Design Regulation (the Regulation) deems a design to have been
made available to the public if it has previously:
Lawyer Cat: appearing at a Court of Justice near you soon! |
“been published following
registration or otherwise, or exhibited, used in trade or otherwise disclosed… except where these events could not reasonably have become known in
the normal course of business to the circles specialised in the sector
concerned, operating within the Community”.
Likewise in Article 11 of the Regulation the date on which a Community
unregistered design’s three year protection starts is from the date it is made
available to the public, applying the same test.
It addressed three questions on disclosure:
1. Are traders, as opposed to designers and
manufacturers, part of the “specialised circles”?
2. Do the specialised circles know about events
taking place outside of the EU (eg, in China)?
3. Do the specialised circles know about disclosure
to a single undertaking in the sector concerned in the EU?
The gist of the answers was: it can’t be ruled out; they might; and it is
quite possible in the right circumstances. But it all depends on the facts –
and those are for the national court.
A little more in the way of detail, plus the CJEU’s views on some less
exciting questions including where the burden of proof lies in unregistered
Community design infringement proceedings, is below.
Gazebos - for all your flood protection needs |
Münchener Boulevard Mobel Joseph Duna (Duna) produced and sold a gazebo (which is not, despite how it may
sound, an animal). Gautzsch Großhandel (GG) started to sell its own “Athen” gazebo,
imported from China. The former sued the latter claiming the Athen infringed
its unregistered Community design rights in its gazebo.
In the battle to establish who had the prior right, Duna relied upon 300
to 500 “new products” leaflets sent to the sector’s largest furniture retailers
and to two German furniture-purchasing associations in April and May 2005.
GG claimed that the Athen design had been independently created in China
at the beginning of 2005. It was then presented to European customers in March
2005 at the Chinese manufacturer’s showrooms in China. Further, a model had
been sent to a Belgian company in June 2005.
The case made its way up to the German Supreme Court, the
Bundesgeritchshof (BGH). It turned to the CJEU for help in determining whether
the designs would, in these circumstances, in the normal course of business
become known to the circles specialised in the sector concerned, operating
within the Community.
The CJEU’s judgment on disclosure
– disclosure to traders
Who is part of the specialised circles? The
BGH was concerned that “specialised circles” included only persons involved in
creating designs and developing or manufacturing products based on those
designs within the sector concerned. This would exclude traders, as they do not
have a creative influence on the design of the product they are marketing.
Incorrect says the CJEU. That would give the
concept of “specialised circles” too restrictive a meaning. The CJEU doesn’t
say it expressly, but it seems like it favours a broad interpretation of
specialised circles.
As noted above, while it would not exclude
disclosure to traders as sufficient, the CJEU concluded that whether or not it
is enough in a given case is a question of fact for the national court.
– disclosure in China or to one EU undertaking
The BGH put its question on the Chinese
exhibition as relating to a disclosure “in
a showroom of an undertaking in China which lies outside the scope of normal
market analysis”.
The CJEU noted that it was not “absolutely necessary” for the events
constituting disclosure to have taken place within the European Union in order
for a design to be deemed to have been made available to the public.
But again, the conclusion was a familiar one “The question whether events taking place
outside the European Union could reasonably have become known to persons
forming part of those circles is a question of fact” and so for the
national court.
The same was true of disclosure to a single
undertaking in the sector concerned in the EU – although the court did opine
that “it is quite possible that, in
certain circumstances, a disclosure of that kind may indeed be sufficient”.
Comment on disclosure
Yes, no, maybe - can you repeat the question? |
Although there is a lot of “it depends” in
this judgment, you can draw out some principles. Specialised circles are not
just populated with creative types, but (in the right circumstances) traders as
well – although no doubt successful traders have a keen eye for creative design,
so that they can pick out products that will sell.
The CJEU has declined to confine the knowledge
of those circles, leaving the possibility open that events abroad or disclosure
to a single business might be enough, again given the right circumstances.
It looks like the CJEU is keen to keep a fairly
broad and flexible test, one that – as noted above – doesn’t rule anything out.
And those other questions…
– who bears the burden of proof in demonstrating copying in unregistered
Community design infringement proceedings?
The person seeking to assert his or her right
of course. Rules of evidence are another question for the national court, but
the CJEU stressed as follows. If it is likely to be “impossible or excessively
difficult” for the rightholder to come up with evidence of copying (as is often
the case where the only person who knows if the defendant copied is the
defendant himself), the national court must use all procedures available to it
to counter that difficulty, including any rules which provide for the burden of
proof to be “adjusted or lightened”. This points towards the need for a
rightholder to establish facts from which copying might be reasonably inferred,
before the burden shifts to the defendant to rebut those facts (or to prove
independent creation as per Regulation 19(2) paragraph 2).
and 5 – is the rightholder’s right to an injunction against an infringer
extinguished over time?
This one’s a question of national law.
– which Member State’s laws govern particular remedies for infringement?
The CJEU held that claims for destruction of
infringing products are governed by the law of the Member State in which the
acts of infringement or threatened infringement have been committed. On the
other hand, claims for compensation for damage resulting from infringement are
governed by the national law of the Community design court hearing the
Gazebos may not be animals, but they can be pretty terrifying!
ReplyDeleteDo gazebos breed in the wild, or only in captivity? The Chinese seem to have quite an extensive breeding programme for them, though there doesn't seem to be much genetic variation.