Following the first episode of
the Post-Svensson stress
disorder series, in which these Kats discussed whether lawfulness of content
one hyperlinks to matters [the
conclusion was in the affirmative], it is now high time for another
issue raised by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU).
In its decision the CJEU held that the owner of a website may, without the copyright holder’s authorisation, redirect internet users via hyperlinks to protected works that are freely accessible on another site.
The CJEU stated that "the provision on a site of a clickable link to a protected work published and freely accessible on another site has the effect of making that work available to users of the first site and that it therefore constitutes a communication to the public. However, since there is no new public, the authorisation of the copyright holders is in any event not required for such a communication to the public."
However, the decision did not add much to what "freely accessible" might mean. In particular:
what conditions shall a work be considered "freely available" for the
purpose of applying the Svensson principles?
To address this question, it
is worth starting from paragraph 31 of the decision, which states that:
"[W]here a clickable link makes
it possible … to circumvent restrictions put in place by the site on which the
protected work appears in order to restrict public access to that work to the
latter site’s subscribers only, and the link accordingly constitutes an
intervention without which those users would not be able to access the works
transmitted, all those users must be deemed to be a new public … and accordingly
the holders’ authorisation is required for such a communication to the public".
![]() |
"Freely available"? Well, at least Archie thinks so |
The CJEU concluded that a
hyperlink may be considered an act of communication to the public as per
Article 3(1) of Directive 2001/29/EC when two cumulative conditions
are met:
(i) The rightholder made his/her
work available on a website that restricts the generality of internet
users from accessing it;
(ii) A hyperlink circumvents such restriction and makes the work
potentially available to any internet user.
Following Luca Sagaria's inspiring
explanation, it would seem that the type of restriction the CJEU had in
mind is a paywall.
Paywalls are technological systems aimed at preventing users from accessing
some [these
are called soft paywalls and include measures that allow free access to some
content] or all [these are known as hard paywalls and include measures that
require you to log in to browse a certain website] contents on a given website without
paying a subscription. Such measures are widely employed by content-based undertakings, eg The Wall Street Journal, The Times and The New York Times in the news field or Netflix in relation to film
Links can of course
circumvent paywalls. This is for instance what happened with the NYT website. The US newspaper adopted a soft paywall that would allow users to read for free
20 articles every month. When accessing the 21st article, a window would appear in the middle of the screen, obscuring the article and reminding
users that it was time to subscribe. Shortly after introducing its paywall, the
NYT suffered from severe paywall circumvention. Some users discovered that
it was possible to circumvent the paywall simply by deleting the
final part of the web address (URL) of
the paywalled contents. Applying the Svensson principles to cases like these, providing
this sort of amended links would be considered an (unauthorised) act of communication
to the public.
![]() |
A katwall |
Quite ironically, a way to
access NYT content even after the limit of 20 articles is through the
links provided by the NYT Twitter account itself. How would the Svensson's
principles apply to links provided by the rightholder itself that happen
to circumvent restrictions that it has set?
Another way in which links
could circumvent restriction measures is when Content Delivery Network ('CDN') services are used. In a
nutshell, some work files (videos, music or high-definition pictures) can be
very large. In order to increase websites' performances, rightholders may rely
on third parties' servers to host some of their content, distribute traffic
among different servers and locate content geographically closer to targeted
users. What may occur is
that a certain work, say an article from The Times, is hosted on its paywalled
website, but related media elements (typically, pictures or videos) that appear on that very page are “physically” [but
is there anything physical on the internet, wonders Merpel] located
on another server. Each of those elements can be reached through a hyperlink, but
not all of their CDN's pages are paywalled.
An example may come in
handy. One of these Kats' Facebook page,
is [not
paid-for, but just] walled.
However, anybody could circumvent the wall and access one of his pictures by
clicking this link,
which redirects to a picture hosted on a CDN server managed by telco giant Akamai. Replace this Kat with
any other rightholder and his picture with any copyright-protected content, and
you will see that that particular
hyperlink perfectly matches the definition of circumventing measure employed by
the CJEU.
Besides technical circumvention, another issue raised but not addressed at any particular length by the CJEU is whether also non-compliance with the terms and conditions of a certain website might be relevant to considering a work as not freely available.
Let's take for instance
the (common) case of the Mail Online. The relevant terms state
that: "You may view (and, where
applicable) listen to) the content available on the Site for personal
non-commercial use ... Unless otherwise stated in these Terms, you must
not (whether directly or indirectly) ... make available ... all or any part of
the content or [webs]ite".
While it
is true that the content of the Mail Online website is freely accessible, the
public that the relevant rightholder took into account when it authorised the
initial communication to the public may not include those who wish to make commercial
use of its content.
the question becomes whether the provision on a commercial site, eg a paid-for news aggregation service,
of a clickable link to an article that has been made first available on the
Mail Online constitutes a communication to a new public.
While [as
suggested here] this
aspect of Svensson will be likely need to be
addressed in future cases, these Kats are inclined to respond in the negative, ie that existence of contractual
restrictions is not relevant to whether a hyperlink constitutes
an act of communication to the public.
This is
because contractual restrictions relate to uses that - from a temporal and
logical standpoint - follow the moment of the initial communication. This
conclusion appears especially supported by paragraphs 26 to 28 of the Svensson
decision. In a case like that of the Mail Online, the public targeted by the
initial communication consisted of all potential visitors to its site since,
given that access to the works on that site was not subject to any restrictive
measures, all internet users could have free access to them. This means that
the 'new public' requirement would not be likely met and hyperlinks provided
for commercial uses would be acts of communication, but not to a new public.
Post-Svensson stress disorder #2: What does "freely available" mean?
Reviewed by Unknown
Friday, March 07, 2014

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