Video games are becoming increasingly realistic and many include
real-life people. Manuel Noriega, the former dictator of Panama, was featured
in Call of Duty: Black Ops II. This game, released in 2012, features a character
bearing Noriega’s name and likeness. In this game, that character helps the CIA
to capture a terrorist but later turns against the agency. Noriega said that
the game portrayed him as a kidnapper, murderer and enemy of the state,
and that it had damaged his reputation. Noriega disapproves of the way his
image was used, adding that it may create the impression that he had given his
permission for it, when he had not.
Oliver North is also featured in the game, but his own voice
has been used for his character, presumably indicating his consent to be
portrayed in the game. Noriega however said that he had been neither consulted
beforehand nor subsequently compensated. He further deplored that the game used
his image and name to make money and therefore requested a share of the profits
the game has generated. To this end he filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles against
Activision Blizzard, the game company.

Manuel Noriega was indicted in the United States and
sentenced there. However, he was extradited to Panama to serve the rest of sentence
in 2011. The Kats will all be watching to see how this action will proceed.
Call of Duty: Black Ooops! Can lapsed dictator scoop video game profits?
Reviewed by Unknown
Friday, August 15, 2014

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