Goodbye, good luck!

Saying goodbye is never easy, and this is particularly so in the case of my stepping down from the IPKat blogteam in order to sample the hitherto forbidden fruits of retirement.   My fellow Kats have been a wonderful resource for me -- full of ideas, endeavours and unexpected perspectives on topics on which I have pondered so often that they were in danger of becoming part of my intellectual furniture.  I shall miss their camaraderie, their sparkle, their wit and their carefully crafted rage.  I know that they will carry on our collective work and feel sure that they will lift the blog to new levels of excellence (or indeed, a cynic might say, to any level of excellence).

I shall miss our readers too.  Many have posted comments, in their own names, under cover of anonymity or though the assumption of pseudonyms.  Others have engaged me in correspondence, whether to share their fears and secrets, to inform me of forthcoming legal rulings, to ask a variety of favours or, worst of all, to crow triumphantly over the discovery of an error or – perish the thought – a spelling or grammatical error. 

But most of all I shall miss Merpel …

Goodbye, good luck! Goodbye, good luck! Reviewed by Jeremy on Thursday, November 26, 2015 Rating: 5


  1. Thank you for many years of insight, humour, information and of course pictures of cats. Thank you too for engaging in many fascinating debates over the years, for occasionally defending my corner, but most of all thank you for welcoming me and a few other Pirate Party members as a commenters on the blog, when many in your position would, I expect, have swiftly shown us the door.

    May your retirement be long and enjoyable!

  2. Jeremy thank you, may you have a long and happy retirement!

  3. It's sad to see you go. You have been a continual source of inspiration for me. This blog, this community, Thank you for giving us IP enthusiasts somewhere to go, to learn and discover and converse about the wonderful and at times controversial world of IP, and for keeping us sane with your wit & humor, and reminding us to not take it all too seriously. Thank you on a personal note for generous support and warm encouragement toward a young, IP enthusiast like me. You will be missed, your well informed insight and enthusiasm. I could go on, but just to say thank you! Enjoy to the fullest your retirement. Tania

  4. Dear Jeremy:

    Say it isn't so, my dearest most esteemed Jeremy!

    You are the most purrfect purrsonification of the purrsuit of IP Blogging. You purrsonally purrfeected it.

    There may well be laws against mandatory retirement in certain jurisdictions. However, I would suggest in your case that the EU, WIPO, WTO, USTPO, TPP, CETA, TTIP et al should get together and conspire to forbid you from retiring - or at least from retiring from blogging.

    Best wishes and all the best for you and your family.

    With the fondest possible scratch behind the ear and under the chin for the best IP blogger ever!

    Indeed, you are the "ne puss ultra"


    Howard Knopf

  5. Thank you for so many years of making my practice easier (and for all the chuckles you have provided along the way!). May you have a wonderful time in retirement!!

  6. Thanks for everything Jeremy. You wit and wisdom will be missed. Enjoy your retirement.

    Vincent O'Reilly

    Dublin and Alicante

  7. Jeremy, for me your retirement from the blog comes as a bolt out of the blue. I wish you all the best. As one gets older one needs to nurture one's remaining energies ever more thoughtfully. Running this blog must be very energy-intensive and I'm sure it is wise to step away while you still have other projects to pursue.

    But for me, having seen you at conferences, at the podium and in panels at the front of the room, you are the "face" on the IPKat. In the flesh, you come acros as modest, witty and gracious. When I post something, I imagine you reading it, even when the originator of the piece is one of the other Kats. You have made the IPKat is the premier IPR blog though, and I shall continue to follow it enthusiastically.

  8. Dear Jeremy,
    THANK YOU so much for all the amazing job you've done with this blog! It's incredible. I still remember the first time we've met at the CIPA Congress a couple of years ago. I was like "OMG, this is Jeremy from the IPKat blog"!! I have to admit, I was a bit shy but in the end we had a nice chat :-) Thank you also for your support and encouragement for my guest posts. It's much appreciated. You will be missed, but never forgotten! Best wishes for a very happy retirement! Thomas

  9. The quirky and witty IPKat blog you have created is unique. You've cajoled and engaged the world that is IP with your incisive reportage. Great fun along the way, blogs pinging into our inboxes at a prolific rate with uncompromising and interesting critique. When did you sleep?

    "Retire" seems such an odd word for you Jeremy and I hope that the redirection of your impressive energies will be exciting and rewarding. Thank you for your fellowship and for being a champion of ACID's work. We will miss you.

    "BYE" seems a tiny but final word. We've heard you on many occasions say, "Why use many words when one will do?". True to the last!

  10. Jeremy

    Thank your for your wit, wisdom, cynicism, charm, analysis and advocacy and for making this a vital resource for anyone interested in or working with IP.

    We will miss you but wish you a happy and healthy retirement.

  11. Have a great retirement and thanks for keeping us all up to date with goings on in the IP world for the last few years

  12. Thank you for all the inspiration you have provided over the years, from the very first IPKat article I accidentally came across.

    Wishing you all the best.

  13. Shorely shome mishtake; he can't retire ! - LunchTime O'Boulez

  14. Personally, and on behalf of ITMA, I would like to add my best wishes to Jeremy on his retirement - he will leave a Kat-sized hole in the IP community. And even if consumers may not recognise a Kit-Kat from its shape alone, IP consumers will always recognise an IPKat post.

  15. Jeremy,

    Thank you for what you have given the IP community. With a spark (fire?), with humour, with experience, with knowledge and with an unlimited love for IP protection and anything that is related thereto.

    As you announced at the end of your lecture in Utrecht it was your last lecture, I realised you would probably step down here as well. So it happened.

    I trust the Kats will carry on your heritage and wish you a well-deserved retirement.

    Any chance you will be a guest Kat some time?

    All the best.

  16. Dear Jeremy,

    For me, what stands out is your extraordinary enthusiasm for the subject matter. It has been a source of inspiration for years. Thank you for all your efforts and undoubted wisdom.

    May I wish you a very happy and well-earned retirement.

  17. Very sorry to see you go Jeremy. Have a long and happy retirement. I hope you have plenty of energy left for whatever you want to do next.

    Very best wishes

    Tufty (aka David)

  18. Great blog. You have made a fantastic contribution to the dissemination of information and comment regarding IP.

  19. A heartfelt thanks to you Jeremy, for being the driving force behind this amazing blog. I've learned so much from it over the years. Your impact on the IP community has been incalculable. Enjoy your well-earned retirement.

  20. Thank you ! Just that - Thank You ! And (of course) please have a long and happy retirement - we'll miss you.

  21. Thank you for setting up by far the most entertaining source of IP news there is. You will be missed.

    Wishing you a long and happy retirement.


  22. I am so sorry to read this post! Not only have you always given such interesting information, it was fun to read too!!! Happy retirement!

  23. Fatkins, the 3-legged Wonder-catFriday 27 November 2015 at 09:44:00 GMT

    Thank you for years of top-quality munchies. Enjoy your retirement.

  24. As a not so young IP practitioner, may I thank you from the bottom of the collective hearts of those who had the benefit of your support and encouragement when they were young practitioners, as I did.

    I remember with some pain the day I was "advised" by a partner in a firm that my future lay outside IP because I was too outspoken a character and too keen to submerge myself in reading every new judgment. I also remember approximately 6 months later - at a different firm, of course - coming into contact with you at an event and you reigniting a spark. Since that point you have supported me, given me opportunities and reminded me so many times of the fact that this is a true community. Just as yesterday when you encouraged those in the room to look out for the one on their own and make them welcome, you did that for me.

    As I said to you yesterday, you have been the hub to so many nodes, and the community as a whole and so many of its individuals owe you an enormous debt of gratitude.

    I know that this blog, your colleagues, your students and and your fellow bloggers are an extended family that you love very much, and I hope that occasionally you will put your head around the corner and see the work you have done continuing to germinate the community.

  25. Jeremy,

    Thank you for the many years of interesting, challenging, fun and sometimes mischievous words and ideas communicated through this blog. The blog stands as a wonderful testament to your warmth, good, humour and intellect. May you have a long and enjoyable retirement. You will be missed. Thanks again.


  26. Dear Jeremy,
    Thank you so much for the wisdom, knowledge, advice, friendship... for everything, I must say. It is incredible to see the amount of lives that you have touched...
    I hope that your retirement be as long and enjoyable as possible.
    Best wishes,

  27. There's a loud sort of clanging
    From Herself down the hall
    And there’s noise from the grandkids too
    The general opinion is that
    I’ve done my bit
    To keep it up is plain cuckoo
    (Cuckoo, cuckoo)

    Quite forcefully they tell me
    Indeed firmly compel me
    To say goodbye to you

    So long, farewell
    Auf Wiedersehen, goodbye
    The time with you has really seemed to fly

    So long, farewell
    Auf Wiedersehen, adieu
    Adieu, adieu, to you and you and you

    So long, farewell
    Au revoir, Auf Wiedersehen
    I'd like to go before you all complain

    So long, farewell
    Auf Wiedersehen, goodbye
    I leave and heave a sigh and say goodbye

    Not glad to go
    I cannot tell a lie
    But boat will float without more help from I

    The sum of things achieved Does gratify ipKat’s safe in hands of alumni
    So long, farewell
    Auf Wiedersehen, goodbye


  28. Jeremy

    Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the IPKat blog, which has been a great source of information and amusement throughout my IP career. Your blogposts were invariably readable, witty and wise.

    I wish you well in your retirement.

    Nick Braddon

  29. Dear Jeremy, we hope you enjoy your retirement and the time with your Family. We will all miss you, your wise words and your wonderful sense of humour. Words will never be enough to let you know how much we love and respect you. Meeting you changed everything for us, you introduced us to our brilliant new legal team and your blogs about our ongoing case kept the IP World up to date with everything. You are our Guardian Angel and we wish you all the happiness in the World. Please keep in touch. Los of love, Inez & Gus xxx (Mr & Mrs Golden Balls)

  30. Dear Jeremy,

    I echo the thoughts shared by fellow IP bods above but in a far less eloquent way.

    The grounded, realistic, pragmatic, scathing, hilarious and excellent blogs IPKat has created over the years have been hugely influential to me personally and to the entire community I'm sure.

    Your colleagues will continue your excellent work helping to demystify the world of IP to experts and interested lay-persons alike.

    Thank you Jeremy. All the best for the next chapter and your new endeavors.


  31. From the Poets' Corner to Jeremy….

    Retirement is the end of work,
    That's what some seem to say,
    But I have talked to many more,
    Who say it's not that way.

    So now that you are finished here,
    We would like to say,
    We're going to miss your smiling face,
    And all those special ways.

    You've taught us how you did so well,
    And made it fun to learn,
    But don't forget to blog sometimes,
    One day you might return...

  32. I trust that one of the remaining IPKat bloggers will give Lulubelle's ditty the full publicity that it deserves by posting it in the main blog?

  33. The clearest "acte clair" in the IP World is that Jeremy is indispensible. I have known and shared drinks and ideas with him for 22 years, and every morning and evening over the past 12 years has been spent updating myself with news on the IPKat. Many thanks, Jeremy, for being part of my life for the last two decades. I know that we shall continue our relationship for at least the next two decades.

  34. Dear Jeremy,

    for once in my blogging life I am remaining anonymous, because I do not want to be just another "also ran" in the prestigious catalogue of well-wishing commenters.

    Heartfelt thanks for your succesful endeavours on this blog (which I incidentally found through europeanpatentcaselaw many years ago -- I never could resist a cat image). IP is such a broad field, but there is not one bit where I could say "I could not care less", although I have my preferences. And that is due to the clear and concise reporting that you either wrote or oversaw.

    I think you said what you were going to study in future as a retiree during yesterday's conference that I was fortunately able to experience at a distance. No doubt your sharp mind and sense for historical detail will enable you to contribute and distinguish yourself among your new peers.

    With my best wishes for you,

    This Time Anonymous

  35. But Jeremy, surely you ARE IPKat? How can you leave? Will they rename it?

    Happy retirement anyway.

  36. Dear Jeremy:

    Your absence will will leave a catastrophic and cataclysmic void in the IP blogging litterature.....

    We'll miss you.

    A lot.


    Uncle Wiggily

  37. Dear Jeremy,

    I also want to express my gratitude and best wishes.

    You will be missed. I regret to see you leave at a point where this blog might come under attack (suivez mon regard). I trust you will keep in touch with the remaining Kats.

    But above all, congrats on your retirement. Mazal tov!


  38. Many thanks for the years of IP knowledge dissemination.

    Wishing you the best of times and good health.


  39. Thank you so much for your charming and erudite contributions to the crazy world of IP. Will miss the charm,erudition and common sense with which they were delivered.
    All good cats deserve a chance to relax in the sunshine. You are one of the best. Have a wonderful retirement.

  40. A week after retirement, I'm still coming to terms with the very kind comments that I have received from so many people, including readers of this blog.

    I can only say another big "thank you" to the comment-posters and add that your comments mean a great deal to me.


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