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Never too late ... with a literary twist |
Where you already on holiday or too busy at
work last week and missed the IPKat?
As usual, nothing to worry about because our
dear friend and colleague Alberto Bellan is back with the 77th
edition of his Never Too Late feature.
This is what happened on this very blog last
Nikos reports on a General Court’s decision of 4
December 2015 in case T-3/15, addressing the distinctive character of a position
mark made of 5 stripes on a shoe.
David pens about EPO’s BoA decision in case T 942/12. It concerns liability and renewal practice
management for European patent attorneys and addresses the onerous
responsibilities that previous Boards have held applicable to EP attorneys in
cases where an applicant uses a third party service to pay renewal fees, and
defines an exception to those onerous responsibilities.
How do you serve patent infringement proceedings on
a Chinese company? What on earth is Section 100 of the Patents Act 1977
all about? If these questions have disrupted your days and haunted
your nights, then this Annsley’s post about Magnesium Elektron v
Molycorp is
exactly what you need.
* Breaking news: EU trade mark
reforms adopted by the EU Parliament (and some news on trade secrets)
Birgit is back to report about the new EU Trade Marks
Directive and of the Trade Mark Regulation [see previous IPKat posts on this topic here] coming into
force next year.
The Katonomist sinks her paws on WIPO’s annual World Intellectual Property Indicators
Another IP-Christmas present from Brussels is the
“provisional agreement” on the proposed EU Trade Secrets Directive, which Kat
friend Mark Ridgway (Allen & Overy) comments for us.
Rumours say EPO’s President Battistelli’s proposal
to reform the Boards of Appeal, move it out of Munich, and create a new
oversight structure has just been rejected, Merpel says.
Nikos addresses the grounds for refusal upon which
the French TM Office has tackled controversial trade mark applications linked
to the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in Paris.
How can a trade mark owner engage with the consumer
in a manner that will enable the trade mark owner to create brand equity by
facilitating a positive consumer experience with the ultimate product, wonders
Never too late 76 [week ending
on Sunday 13 December] – The Making of the TRIPS
Agreement | German Balsamico?! | Trade secrets in the US | European
Copyright Society | Merpel in Eponia | Henry Hadaway Organisation v
Pickwick Group Limited and Ors | CJEU activism on copyright | EU
Commission unveils future copyright reform path | Music publishing and
copyright | Dreaming of copyright, new eLAW event | Trade mark right exhaustion
| VW trade mark disaster | Linking and copyright | elite media takes IP wrong.
Never too late 75 [week ending on Sunday 6
December] – BHG on blocking injunctions |
IP in Universities | Sweden on blocking injunctions | Canadian musings on
patents | US Senate and trade secret reform | Chinese IP Courts | G1/14
referral and Article 108 EPC | PACE procedure (Procedure for
Accelerated Conduct of Examination) ant the EPO | Greekat and trade mark
partenalism | EPO Boards of Appeal tell AC: we were
never consulted | What hacker means.
Never Too Late 74 [week ending on Sunday 29 November] – Bob
Marley copyright | Nintendo TPM triumphs in Italy | GIs and TMs in the EU |
Prebalin again | YouTube will defend fair use | End-of-year reading |Stretchline
Intellectual Properties Ltd v H&M Hennes & Mauritz UK Ltd | Goodbye
from Jeremy, and thank you from us | Greekat on plain packaging | Rovi
Guides Inc v Virgin Media Ltd & Others | IP in
Never Too Late 73 [week ending on Sunday 22 November] – Xmas
present from Benelux PTO | Eponia never ending troubles | Prof Dr
Siegfried Broß v EPO | Protection of formats in the Netherlands | Eponia
never ending proceedings | UK intensifies its Cracking Ideas programme | Anne
Frank's Diary copyright | Transport for London and IP | CJEU in SBS Belgium v SABAM Case
C-325/14 | COFIX, coffee and brand success | UK-China Intellectual
Property Symposium | Registering iconic artwork as trade mark in Norway |
Digital files and "property" in New Zealand | IP of Risotto
allo Zafferano.
Never too late: if you missed the IPKat last week
Reviewed by Eleonora Rosati
Monday, December 21, 2015

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