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A likely recurring thought these days ... Together with IP, of course |
you away last week or too busy celebrating the festive season? Do not worry
because – as usual and even at this time of the year – our dear friend and
colleague Alberto Bellan is
back with his #NeverTooLate feature, now on its 78th edition.
this is what happened on this very blog last week:
Nicola’s post on lookalike products prompted debate and a British Brands Group’s response. In this post, Nicola provides further food for thought, introducing into
the discussion the concept of the zero-sum game.
Like last year and the year before, Eleonora reviews the copyright year, awarding a number of prizes to the most
relevant developments occurred in 2015. Once again, it would seem that in 2015
Europe was the place to be copyright-wise, with a couple of notable exceptions.
Eleonora has just entered in possession of a rare letter penned by Santa Claus
and addressed to the UK Intellectual Property Office. As you may read in his
letter, Santa is understandably concerned about the
repeal of section 52 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and its 25-year
term of protection for industrial process articles.
Jani writes on Dallas Buyers Club LLC v iiNet Limited (No 5) [2015] FCA 1437, an Australian case regarding disclosure of details pertaining to
individuals who had shared the film Dallas
Buyers Club [see an earlier
Katpost here].
Enjoy this IPKat Exclusive (powered by Nicola): IP Whose Hair is
it Anyway? The name of the game is to match the hair to the IP
Annsley reports on the brand spanking new specialist Patents Court
judge Mr Justice Carr’s decision in Actavis v Eli
Lilly [2015] EWHC. In order to
ensure a pleasant and in-deep reading, the AmeriKat has summarized the
highlights of almost 50 pages of eloquent Carr J prose in two posts.
Founding difficulties in accessing USPTO website? Neil explains why.
Data protection, trade secrets, and IP trolls are making Santa's General
Counsel’s life unaffordable. Thus, he decided to resign. Annsley leaks his
letter, which should have been marked "Strictly Privileged &
Confidential" – but which was not…
Neil pens this lovely Christmas post about IP and “Pet Rocks”, a vintage
toy consisting of a smooth stones from Mexico's Rosarito Beach marketed like
live pets.
Never too late 77 [week ending on Sunday 20
December] – GC on 5-stripe shoe mark | EPO
BoA in T 942/12 on liability and renewal practice
management for European patent attorneys | Magnesium Elektron v
Molycorp, ie how to serve
patent infringement proceedings on a Chinese company | EU Trade Mark reform
adopted | WIPO IP indicators | Provisional agreement on EU Trade Secrets
Directive | Battistelli’s proposal rejected? | “Je Suis” trade marks | Branding
and 3D printing.
Never too late 76 [week ending
on Sunday 13 December] – The Making of the TRIPS
Agreement | German Balsamico?! | Trade secrets in the US | European
Copyright Society | Merpel in Eponia | Henry Hadaway Organisation v
Pickwick Group Limited and Ors | CJEU activism on copyright | EU
Commission unveils future copyright reform path | Music publishing and
copyright | Dreaming of copyright, new eLAW event | Trade mark right exhaustion
| VW trade mark disaster | Linking and copyright | elite media takes IP wrong.
Never too late 75 [week ending on Sunday 6
December] – BHG on blocking injunctions |
IP in Universities | Sweden on blocking injunctions | Canadian musings on
patents | US Senate and trade secret reform | Chinese IP Courts | G1/14
referral and Article 108 EPC | PACE procedure (Procedure for
Accelerated Conduct of Examination) ant the EPO | Greekat and trade mark
partenalism | EPO Boards of Appeal tell AC: we were
never consulted | What hacker means.
Never Too Late 74 [week ending on Sunday 29 November] – Bob
Marley copyright | Nintendo TPM triumphs in Italy | GIs and TMs in the EU |
Prebalin again | YouTube will defend fair use | End-of-year reading |Stretchline
Intellectual Properties Ltd v H&M Hennes & Mauritz UK Ltd | Goodbye
from Jeremy, and thank you from us | Greekat on plain packaging | Rovi
Guides Inc v Virgin Media Ltd & Others | IP in universities.
Never too late: if you missed the IPKat last week
Reviewed by Eleonora Rosati
Monday, December 28, 2015

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