This InternKat brings you some highlights of the IPKat’s cousins blogs!
Ben Challis reports on The 1709 Blog on a number of items, including the expected sentencing next month by the Liverpool Crown Court in the Wayne Evans case; publication by The Music Managers Forum of the ‘Dissecting the Digital Part 2’ report; the request for Comments by the US Copyright about researching and repairing software-enabled devices; and the victory by Kanye West, Jay Z and Frank Ocean in a copyright infringement lawsuit filed by songwriter Joel McDonald.
Staying with copyright, Patricia Covarrubia blogged in IPTango about measures taken by the Peruvian National Institute for the Defence of Competition and Intellectual Property Protection (INDECOPI) for enhancing authors rights. Moving to trademarks, the blog also covered the INTA announcement about the opening in 2017 of the Latin America representative office in Santiago (Chile).
Staying with copyright, Patricia Covarrubia blogged in IPTango about measures taken by the Peruvian National Institute for the Defence of Competition and Intellectual Property Protection (INDECOPI) for enhancing authors rights. Moving to trademarks, the blog also covered the INTA announcement about the opening in 2017 of the Latin America representative office in Santiago (Chile).
Over at MARQUES Class 46, the blog discusses the judgment in the Gucci v. Guess saga, where the General Court upheld the findings of the Board of Appeals. More about trademarks on SOLO IP, where Barbara Cookson described the tough life of the Solicitor mark in York.
Moving to the economic field, the IP Finance blog has recently brought a summary by former GuestKat Mike Mireles (Hat Tip to Professor Paul Caron's Tax Prof Blog) about the California Legislative Analyst Office report on how much subsidies have really affected movie activity in California, and IPKat Neil Wilkof's ruminations on the challenges of building fashion brands online, focusing on the European company Zalando.
On IP enforcement issues, Amanda Lotheringen blogged on Afro-IP about the launch of the “South African Training Manual on Investigation and Prosecuting IP Crime for Senior Law Enforcement”. South Africa is the first Member State that has adopted a customised version of the WIPO manual on this topic. Finally, on The SPC Blog, Rob Stephen discussed the UKIPO decision regarding the Supplementary Protection Certificate (SPC) sought for the nab paclitaxel.
Around the IPKat’s Cousins Blogs
Reviewed by Verónica Rodríguez Arguijo
Sunday, October 23, 2016

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