Recording studio
engineers speak in hushed tones about the 1073 microphone pre-amplifier, and
not just because they're habitually conditioned to keeping their voices down in the studio's control room. The “1073” is a top-end piece
of vintage studio recording kit, swooned over by musicians and producers alike for "its beautiful top-end, rich lows and euphonically massaged low-mids".
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Merpel says: Don't blame me; the IPKat told me to insert "a cool picture of some cat with a microphone".Photo: Marcel Antonisse / Anefo - Nationaal Archief |
All very edifying no doubt, and an unimpeachable excuse for the IPKat to finally use the word "euphonically" in a post, but what's this got to do with IP?
Well, the “1073” brand of pre-amplifier has been produced by AMS-Neve for over 40 years, so they reacted with some dismay to the
appearance of a cloned product, also branded “1073”, on the website
of a Spanish company called Heritage Audio. Dismay, quickly followed by the issuance of proceedings for
infringement of an EU trade mark registrations, two UK national trade mark
registrations, and a claim for passing-off.
Heritage Audio challenged
the jurisdiction of the English courts to hear the claim, and HHJ Hacon has
issued his decision on this preliminary point , finding that the IPEC has jurisdiction to hear the action for
infringement of the UK TM registrations and the action for passing-off but has
no jurisdiction over the EUTM infringement action.The decision is AMS Neve Ltd & Ors v Heritage Audio S.L. & Anor [2016] EWHC 2563 (IPEC)
Because this was not a
full trial of the action, the findings of fact are preliminary, but evidence was given that Heritage Audio’s website (a) indicated that the
products could be bought from a UK distributor, and (b) suggested also that direct orders
could be placed on the website of Heritage Audio from anywhere in the EU and that Heritage would ship
products using UPS or FedEx. Although there is
dispute over whether the website reflected the reality of Heritage's business model, the judge was prepared to accept that
the website targeted UK customers. Additionally, Neve’s solicitor gave evidence
of a conversation with the identified UK distributor who told her that orders taken
by the distributor would be placed with Heritage and the goods would be built
to order and shipped to England.
At issue in the case was
whether the English court had jurisdiction to hear the claims for EU and
national trade mark infringement and for passing-off where the defendant was established
in Spain and where all of the actions of the defendant at issue had occurred in
Spain., albeit with the effect of targeting sales at UK customers.
The jurisdiction rules
HHJ Hacon distinguished
between the jurisdiction rules for national TMs and passing-off on the one
hand, these being governed by the Brussels
I Regulation, and the rules for EUTMs on the other, being governed by the EU
Trade Mark Regulation. Both rule sets say that the primary rule is that
jurisdiction is given to the defendant’s home courts, and both provide
exceptions allowing another country’s courts to hear an infringement action,
but the similarities end there.
National TM infringement
In particular, as the
judge noted, Article 7(2) of Brussels allows a much wider scope for an action to be heard elsewhere than the defendant's home country.
An action for infringement of a national TM registration can be heard in the
'place where the harmful event occurred or may occur', and this can include the
place where the defendant’s actions occurred, or the place where the damaging
effects are felt. It is up to the national court of the country where the right
exists (i.e. the courts of England and Wales in the case of the UK trade mark
registrations) to decide whether damaging effects have been felt in the UK and
whether an act occurred that constitutes infringement. In this case, the act
complained of was an offer for sale in England, on the principles laid down in L’Oreal
v eBay, i.e. the defendant’s website was not merely accessible from the
UK but was in fact targeted at (among others) English customers.
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The allegedly infringing product on Heritage Audio's site |
For passing-off, the judge noted that the CJEU had applied the Brussels I rules not only to trade
mark and copyright infringement claims but also to claims based on German
unfair competition law in Case C-360/12 Coty
Germany GmbH v First Note Perfumes NV [2014] E.T.M.R. 49. He therefore
felt safe in saying that the same principles apply to passing-off: the right
exists in England, where the protectable goodwill resides, and it is for the
English courts to decide if there has been an actionable misrepresentation.
EUTM infringement
EU trade mark
infringement rules are different. Jurisdiction for a foreign (to the defendant)
court is not based on the place where “the harmful event occurred” (per
Brussels I, with this extending to the place where damage was felt), but more
specifically is confined to "the Member State in which the act of infringement has been
committed or threatened" as stated in Article 97(5) of the Trade Mark Regulation. As the CJEU held in Coty, the “linking factor relates to active
conduct on the part of the person causing that infringement. … Consequently,
jurisdiction … may be established solely in favour of Community trade mark
courts in the Member State in which the defendant committed the alleged
unlawful act.”
And since Heritage Audio’s
active conduct, i.e. the actions that resulted in the website being
targeted at UK customers, occurred in Spain, and this was also where Heritage is
established and domiciled, there was no jurisdiction for an English court to
hear the action for infringement of the EUTM.
HHJ Hacon noted that
there might be some procedural inefficiency in this result, but there was little prospect of
conflicting decisions and in any event he could not find otherwise since the EU Trade
Mark Regulation sets down rules explicitly acknowledged to be different from the
Brussels I rules for infringement of national rights.
Joint tortfeasorship - which law applies?
A final question related
to joint tortfeasorship. The sole
director of Heritage Audio is named as a second defendant. Neve argued that he
was liable as a joint tortfeasor, but Heritage argued that the question of
whether he was a joint tortfeasor depended on Spanish law and they made submissions on how the question would be viewed in Spain, which the judge was urged to accept.
HHJ Hacon greeted this Spanish argument with all the enthusiasm of Sir Francis Drake spying a galleon sailing up the English Channel: “I reject this contention. The question whether one party is jointly liable with
another for acts of infringement of trade marks and/or passing off in England
can be determined only by reference to English law and the relevant facts. The
law has been recently considered by the Supreme Court in Sea Shepherd
UK v Fish & Fish Limited [2015] UKSC 10; [2015] AC 1229, which I sought to summarise
in Vertical Leisure Limited v Poleplus Limited [2015] EWHC 841 (IPEC).” He concluded that
there was a good arguable case that the director was a joint tortfeasor, and so will be a joint defendant in the trial for UK TM infringement and passing-off. (Then, Merpel presumes, the judge returned to his game of bowls pending the full trial of the action).
HHJ Hacon amplifies the law on EU trade mark jurisdiction: AMS-Neve v Heritage Audio
Reviewed by David Brophy
Friday, October 21, 2016

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