Is unauthorised linking to unlicensed content an act of
communication to the public within Article 3(1) of the InfoSoc
Directive and, if so, a
potential copyright infringement?
Readers will
promptly recall that last month the Court of Justice of the European Union
(CJEU) addressed this very question in GS Media, C-160/15 [discussed here, here, here, here], and
concluded that - to answer - one must not only consider the
classic duo (1) act of communication + (2) to a public, but also "several complementary criteria, which are not autonomous and are
interdependent" [para 34]. These, according to the CJEU, include whether the posting of
hyperlinks is carried out for profit and whether the person who posts the link
has knowledge of the unauthorised character of the content linked to.
All in all, the situation can be summarised (simplifying) as follows:
After GS Media, the question has become: how to
apply this CJEU judgment in practice?
In what appears to be the first national
application of GS Media, the answer comes from Sweden. On 13 October last the Attunda tingsrätt (Attunda District Court) - in the context of small claims
proceedings within Regulation
861/2007 - ruled against a Belgian media company for providing a link to a video that had been uploaded onto YouTube [where it is still
available] without the permission of the copyright owner/claimant.
Here's how it went.
In 2012 the claimant (Rebecka
Jonsson) filmed a bungee jumping session gone wrong in Africa.
Someone (not Ms Jonsson) uploaded the video on YouTube. On 9 January 2012 the YouTube video was embedded on the L'Avenir website run by the
defendant, in the context of an article describing the incident.
The claimant had neither
authorised the publication of the video on YouTube, nor its embedding in the L’Avenir
In her action before the Attunda
District Court, Ms Jonsson claimed that L’Avenir had infringed copyright in her
video by both embedding it on its website and publishing a frozen still of the
video. She sought damages for EUR 1931 against the defendant, as well as award
of litigation costs.
The Swedish court stated at the
outset that the video is protected by Swedish copyright
law, and noted how the circumstance for which the claimant’s video was (and
still is) available on YouTube does not mean that no copyright infringement has
occurred. This is because the claimant had not authorised the publication of
the video on YouTube, nor - apparently - anywhere else on the internet.
Linking to unlicensed content
Considering whether the provision of
an embedded link to content whose publication on a third-party site (ie
YouTube) has not been authorised would amount to a copyright infringement, the court noted that there is no Swedish case law
regarding the question whether linking can be considered an act of communication to
the public [this
seems to suggest that, not only was the Svensson Swedish instalment eventually settled, but also the C More Swedish
proceedings were? Although C More was
about the right of making available to the public rather than communication to
the public, any decision by Swedish courts could have arguably provided some
This said, the court referred to the InfoSoc
Directive and relevant CJEU case law on linking, notably Svensson and … GS
![]() |
Extreme bungee jumping |
In relation to the latter the court recalled
the presumption [iuris tantum, ie rebuttable] that the CJEU discussed at para 51 of the decision:
“when the
posting of hyperlinks is carried out for profit, it can be expected that the
person who posted such a link carries out the necessary checks to ensure that
the work concerned is not illegally published on the website to which those
hyperlinks lead, so that it must be presumed that that posting has occurred
with the full knowledge of the protected nature of that work and the possible
lack of consent to publication on the internet by the copyright holder. In such
circumstances, and in so far as that rebuttable presumption is not rebutted,
the act of posting a hyperlink to a work which was illegally placed on the
internet constitutes a ‘communication to the public’ within the meaning of
Article 3(1) of Directive 2001/29.”
to the court, it was “obvious” that L’Avenir had published the link to the
claimant’s YouTube video with the intention of pursuing a profit [yet the court did not really explain what
evidence supported the conclusion that in this case the defendant had a
profit-making intention]. According to the court, L’Avenir had not
been able to demonstrate that it had no knowledge of the unlicensed character
of the video embedded on its website. Hence, L’Avenir was found to have
infringed the claimant’s copyright by linking to the YouTube video without Ms
Jonsson’s permission.
The frozen still
Turning to the issue of the
reproduction of a frozen still [you click
on it, and the embedded video can be played] from the claimant’s video
on the L’Avenir website, the court ruled that this amounted to an infringement
of copyright for reproducing part of her work [when reading the judgment, I was a bit surprised not to see any
discussion of whether reproducing a single frame from a video could be regarded
as the reproduction of a protectable, ie sufficiently original, part of a work
(the whole video in this case) in at least an Infopaq
Finally, moral rights
The court
also ruled that, by failing to acknowledge the name of author of the video and
frozen still, the defendant had also infringed the claimant’s moral right of
attribution pursuant to section 3 of the Swedish Copyright Act.
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Linking gone wrong: trying to escape liability |
The judgment can now be appealed, and it will be interesting
to see whether L’Avenir decides to do so.
Overall, the judgment seems to
adopt a fairly strict interpretation of GS Media.
First, it is unclear in what sense the defendant published
the link to the claimant’s work to pursue a profit. Although in favour of the
Swedish court’s approach there is the fact that the CJEU judgment is very
unclear on this point as well, it might appear that getting the label “profit-making
intention” is VERY easy and – with it – the presumption of knowledge and …
prima facie liability.
Secondly, the judgment does not contain any discussion of whether one or more copyright exceptions would apply to this case [news reporting? quotation? criticism/review?]. Yet, the CJEU in GS Media said that such considerations MUST be undertaken.
Thirdly, it is unclear both (1) whether the claimant
approached the defendant to notify it of the unlicensed nature of the YouTube
video and (2) whether the claimant asked YouTube to take down the video in the
first place.
latter point leads to a final question. On the one hand, it may seem that link providers are
seen and treated somewhat with suspicion: profit-making objectives may be often considered present, and - with them - the duty to make sure links are being
provided to licensed sources. On the other hand, copyright owners seem to enjoy
a more favourable treatment: in this case, it was not even required to discuss
whether the claimant had notified the defendant about the unlicensed nature of
the video linked to or even attempted to have the video taken down by YouTube [YouTube, not a
prima facie ‘rogue’ site].
But do copyright owners have any duty to police
what use is being made of their works, or can they just expect others to
behave in a way that is respectful of their rights? In this sense, an analogy
with trade mark law (and ‘genericide’) can be drawn. In his Opinion
in Backaldrin Österreich
The Kornspitz Company GmbH, C-409/12, Advocate General
Cruz Villalón had held the view that the owner of a trade mark is required to
be “vigilant with regard to the protection of his trade mark” [para
83]. Can the same be said also for copyright owners, or does such duty of
vigilance only apply to third parties, including link providers?
Linking to unlicensed content: Swedish court applies GS Media
Reviewed by Eleonora Rosati
Thursday, October 27, 2016

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