Last week Chanel settled a dispute with at least 24 Amazon sellers who had been selling counterfeit goods.
According to WWD, a "Californian judge decreed that the sellers would have to cease selling the counterfeit items and pay $100,000 to Chanel for each item that was sold (Chanel allegedly originally sought $2 million per item) - a total which is estimated to come in around the $3 million mark."
Chanel will reportedly receive its damages via Amazon Payments which has been holding from the sellers' accounts.
But while Amazon might be a mega-brand just like Chanel, the faux sellers are not. One seller’s proceeds were under $50.
The products in issue apparently included Chanel branded bags, T-shirts and phone cases.
A secondary issue concerned how the CHANEL mark was used by the sellers to promote the counterfeits appearing in Amazon search results.
Chanel victorious in California court battle against Amazon sellers of counterfeit goods
Reviewed by Rosie Burbidge
Friday, June 30, 2017

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