An EU text and data mining exception: will it deliver what the Digital Single Market Strategy promised?
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the time of unveiling its Digital
Single Market Strategy in May 2015, the EU Commission linked the
establishment of a fully connected digital single market to the objective of
creating a favourable environment for European start-ups and SMEs.
specific regard to copyright, however, it soon appeared that start-ups and SMEs
were not really part of the picture as far as Commission’s action in this area
of the law is concerned. In this sense, the proposal for
a directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market, which was released
in September 2016, is a telling example.
The content of the proposed
text and data mining exception
draft provisions intended to remedy the so called ‘value gap’ (Article 13) and
establish a new right for press publishers (Article 11) have been extensively
criticized for – among other things – having the potential to raise barriers to
entry in the markets for, respectively, hosting platforms and news aggregators,
and also push out of these markets existing start-ups and SMEs that may be ‘too
small to compete’.
the Commission’s proposal for a new mandatory exception that would be vital to
EU tech-intensive businesses, ie a text and data mining exception (Article 3), falls
short of what an ambitious and competitive digital single market may need.
text and data mining it is intended as “any automated analytical technique
aiming to analyse text and data in digital form in order to generate
information such as patterns, trends and correlations” (Article 2(2)). A couple
of examples of mining tools developed and employed by European SMEs and
start-ups are those of Treemetrics (Ireland; a forest
management platform) and XDiscovery (Italy; a search
engine that allows mapping correlations between different topics).
including commercial and non-commercial uses alike, the scope of the proposed
text and data mining exception appears particularly narrow as regards its
catalogue of beneficiaries. These would be, in fact, only research organizations. They would be able to rely on the exception
solely to carry out text and data mining of works or other subject-matter to
which they have lawful access for the purposes of scientific research. In
addition, the definition of ‘research organization’ itself is narrow: it only
includes (Article 2(1)) universities, research institutes, non-profit or public
interest research-intensive organizations.
principle the draft directive does not exclude applicability of the text and
data mining exception to public-private partnerships (Recital 10), but rules
out that this could be possible when a commercial undertaking has a decisive
influence and control over the research organization in question (Recital 11).
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Waiting to mine some data ... But would they be able to do so? |
The UK experience
proposed EU exception would be also narrower than the existing UK exception for
text and data analysis (s29A of the
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988). The UK introduced it in 2014 on
belief that the existing legislative
framework (Article 5(3)(a) of Directive
2001/29) would already allow Member States to permit text and data mining
activities under the umbrella of the exception for scientific research. Most
importantly – albeit limited to non-commercial uses – the beneficiaries of the
UK exception are not just research organizations, but also individual researchers (‘any person’ who has lawful access to a
The reactions of the SME
and start-up community
to the release of the proposed directive on copyright in the Digital Single
Market, EU start-ups and SMEs have
noted how the current drafting of Article 3 fails to provide legal
certainty, and regrettably excludes anyone who cannot be regarded as falling
within the definition of ‘research organization’.
this sense, Allied for Startups has pointed
out that innovative start-ups would be left outside the scope of Article 3,
being unable to benefit from the text and data mining exception. This would be
so also on consideration that the limited resources of a start-up would make it
difficult, if not impossible tout court,
to consider entering public-private partnerships that are both time-consuming
and challenging to handle.
The draft Comodini Cachia
next step for the overall process that would eventually lead to the adoption of
a new directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market is the European
Parliament vote (originally scheduled for 19-20
June, but currently it is unclear when this will take place) on the draft report that MEP
Therese Comodini Cachia has been preparing on the Commission’s proposal. On
10 March a first draft
version of the report was unveiled; possible amendments are currently being
far as text and data mining is concerned, the draft report seeks to clarify
what copyright-relevant act (normalization of information) the new exception
would cover. It also proposes to broaden to a certain extent the scope of the
exception, by envisaging – subject to a compensation requirement – the possibility
for research organizations that do not
have lawful access to information to have nonetheless access to normalized data
for text and data mining.
The draft report for the moment also appears to consider broadening the
types of beneficiaries of the exception.
considering different options for a text and data mining exception, the
Commission held the view that an exception that would not restrict types of
uses and beneficiaries would go too far.
considering the general framework for exceptions and limitations that already
exists under EU copyright (Article 5 of Directive
2001/29), there are no particular legal reasons as to why an exception
should in principle exclude certain subjects from the range of beneficiaries,
as long as the conditions in the three-step test (these being that an exception
is to be
only applied in certain special cases which do not conflict with a normal
exploitation of the work or other subject-matter and do not unreasonably
prejudice the legitimate interests of the rightholder: Article 5(5) of Directive
are respected.
noted by the German Bundesrat in a
recent opinion,
the exclusion of beneficiaries other than research organizations from the scope
of the EU text and data mining exception would be not just impractical, but
also cause the end for many providers of data analysis in Europe.
The EU approach to text and data mining
could and should be more ambitious. This would be necessary to develop the full
potential of SMEs and start-ups arising and operating in Europe, thus also
making Europe more competitive on the global scale and permitting the creation
of a functioning digital single market. More ambition is also needed to encourage
and make possible the work of individual researchers, and allow European
citizens to have access to information that can be only generated through text
and data mining activities and whose potential awaits to be unlocked.
An EU text and data mining exception: will it deliver what the Digital Single Market Strategy promised?
Reviewed by Eleonora Rosati
Monday, May 22, 2017

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