Starting the week with
the right paw the IPKat brings you news of exciting IP-related events to be
soon held around the world. Since it is Monday morning, this sleepy
Kat will start from the closest to its doorstep...
First stop - Brussels: The Liège Competition
and Innovation Institute at the Université de Liège (LCII) together
with the Tilburg Law and Economics Center (TILEC) will host the
Conference on Innovation, Research and Competition in the EU: The Future of Open and Collaborative Standard Setting on
in Brussels. Public
officials, industry experts, legal practitioners and prominent
academics from EU institutions, the private sector and academia will
gather to discuss SEP-related questions at the intersection of IP and
competition law. The full programme of the event can be found here.
Admission fee is €150 or €75 (academics and public officials), +
21% VAT. Registration closes on 25
May 2017
and can be done here.
London calling: On the other side of the
Channel, the Competition Law Association (CLA) will host the
lunchtime event Flynn
Pharma and Pfizer: the IP and competition aspects of Phenytoin Sodium
Flynn on 7
July 2017 at the
Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP offices in London. The speakers
of the event will be James Killick (White & Case, Brussels) and
Michael Silverleaf (Barrister, 11 South Square). Attendance is free
for CLA members, for non-members an enrolment fee of £50, £35
(full time academics/public sector employees) or £10 (students,
trainees, pupil barristers) is applied. Registration closes on 6
July 2017 and can be
done here
and here
Non-Traditional Trademarks Aesthetically Functional?
Professor Irene Calboli (Singapore Management University) will
address this question at a seminar hosted by the City Law School in
Central London on 12 June 2017. In the
course of the seminar, she will discuss the problems arising from the
protection of those trade marks in, inter alia, the United
States and Singapore, by examining first the legal developments in
this area and then recent controversial court cases. In this context
she will address the doctrine of functionality, adopted by some
courts. Attendance to the event is free but booking is required.
Places can be booked here.
![]() |
Did someone just call me a copycat? |
Tomorrow, 23 May 2017, in
the framework of the Clerkenwell Design Week, the City Law School
together with Intellectual Property Awareness Network (IPAN), will
host the workshop Combat
the Copycats, an event
aimed at designers interested
in getting acquainted with IP rights relevant for their work and how
to combat infringement. Attendance to the event is free but booking
is required. Places can be booked here.
Bem Vindo ao Brazil: Crossing
the Atlantic, the Ligue Internationale du Droit de la
Concurrence/International League for Competition Law (LIDC) will host
its Congress
in Rio de Janeiro on 5-8 October 2017.
The Congress focuses on topical areas of competition and IP law and
features panels and speakers covering a wide range of subjects. This
year's programme
will cover two
questions: (A) what are the major competition/anti-trust issues
generated by the growth of online sales platforms and how should they
be resolved; and (B) to what
extent current exclusions and limitations to copyright strike a fair
balance between the rights of owners and fair use by private
individuals and others. Registration prices vary, enrollment until 30
June 2017
gives access to early bird fees. Registration can be done here.
Back to Blighty: Building
up to the LIDC Brazilian event, the Competition Law Association
(CLA), member association of the LIDC, will host a Workshop
on 13 June 2017 at Redd
Solicitors LLP in London
to discuss the Congress' two central questions. The discussion will
be based on the UK national reports drafted by Vineet Budhiraja
(Watson Farley & Williams LLP) and Kat Eleonora Rosati
(University of Southampton). Attendance
is free for CLA members, for non-members an enrollment fee of £50,
£35 (full time academics/public sector employees) or £10 (students,
trainees, pupil barristers) is applied. Online
registration closes on 12
July 2017
and can be done here and here
Ending up in Israel: Looking to the shores of the Mediterranean, the University of Haifa in
collaboration with the National Cyber Bureau established The
Center for Cyber, Law and Policy (CCLP).
The Center seeks to develop the academic research necessary to inform
public policy while addressing cyber challenges by integrating legal
research, computer science, data science, social science and
innovative technologies. The CCLP will support selected research
proposals related to cyber policy challenges. Applications should be
sent by 1
June 2017
The full list of research themes and additional information on the
Center can be found here.
Monday Miscellany
Reviewed by Cecilia Sbrolli
Monday, May 22, 2017

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