ICC Intellectual Property Roadmap 2017 | Now available
The 2017 edition of the ICC Intellectual Property Roadmap is available now!
ICC’s flagship IP publication, launched on World Intellectual Property Day, provides a comprehensive and concise overview of key intellectual property policy issues today.
The result of collaboration between over eighty IP experts from around the globe, the 2017 edition reflects the most pressing issues that have been reshaping intellectual property in recent years.
Issues covered include the interaction between IP and climate change, innovation, competition, digitisation and the data-driven economy, as well as developments in patents, trade secrets, IP valuation, standards, designs, copyright, trade marks, domain names, plant varieties, and other areas.
Access the 2017 IP Roadmap here. For more news on the 2017 IP Roadmap, see here, as well as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
On June 7, Professor Bankole Sodipo, who is a preeminent IP scholar in Nigeria, will give a lecture at the CCLS Lincoln's Inn Fields campus on "FDI and Nigeria's IP Landscape". Further details of the lecture can be found on this Eventbrite platform, with free registration for everyone. Here is also a flyer for the event.
Calling for an IP tutorial support at City
We want you. |
Is there a PhD candidate, a recently qualified practitioner, or graduate who is keen to get a foot into the door of IP teaching, and who is able to step in and assist on the Intellectual Property Management module at Cass Business School, City University of London? The IPM module is delivered to 2nd year BSc business and management students. Growing student numbers means extra tutorial groups (groups attend tutorials 1 hour every other week over 11 weeks duration of the module) for which assistance is sought, and paid for. There is also paid marking of coursework and exam papers. If you can think of anyone who has the necessary knowledge, attitude, aptitude and time to fit the bill, a message of interest would be most appreciated.
If any reader thinks that he or she might be the right person, can that person please email Tian Lu at Tian.ipkat@gmail.com with the subject line City-CassIP.
Please note the closing date for receipt of applications:
18:00 Monday BST. 5th June, 2017.
Please note the closing date for receipt of applications:
18:00 Monday BST. 5th June, 2017.
The successful applicant will be the second postholder. The first postholder, on retiring after two years, writes:
"As a young(ish) patent attorney with an ambition to learn and broaden my commercial horizons, the opportunity to assist in delivering on the Intellectual Property Management (IPM) module at the Cass Business School, City University of London has been a great helping hand. The opportunity has allowed me to explore areas of IP that had been little experienced through my past working environments. It has also been a great networking experience, having met various IP professionals from diverse backgrounds (IP valuers, eminent inventors, IP Directors, etc.) who provided eye-opening lectures in their specialist subject areas. I particularly had fun in assessing student courseworks and presentations where the students were required to make IP assessments of a chosen company and provide their recommendations (which involved analysing IP portfolios, exploitation, management, due diligence, prominent court cases, and so forth). This experience has certainly helped me to think at a higher level in the various roles I've held and I daresay that such thinking has helped my career advancement. I'm now Head of IP for my present employer and am delighted to be able to use what I've learned to further the ambitions of my company. I'm gutted that I am unable to continue this role and wish the best of luck to all applicants! Thanks Cass for the great opportunity!""
Courtesy of Kim de Beer for the "Kat Boss" picture.
Friday Fantasies
Reviewed by Tian Lu
Friday, May 26, 2017

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