For those of you still considering whether or not to attend, consider these programming morsels:
Mr. Íñigo Méndez de Vigo, Spain’s Minister of Education, Culture and Sport and government spokesperson will be the 2017 Annual Meeting Keynote speaker. Mr. Méndez de Vigo will share with registrants his views on the future of Europe and IP in this fast-paced and ever-changing world.No INTA Annual Meeting would be complete without the chance for socializing, this year at more than 15 INTA-hosted receptions.
Over 300 educational sessions will be available, including over 200 Table Topics, led by speakers/moderators from 38 countries.
Judges from various international jurisdictions will take discuss hot topics in trademark law as part of the 2nd International IP Court Session.
A two-day course on International Trademark Law and Practice will be offered, with 19 course segments.
For the more academically inclined, there will be a full-day Trademark Scholarship Symposium, where leading trademark thinkers will share the fruits of their current research.
All of this, of course, before Merpel even begins to think about Gaudi, Camp Nou/FC Barcelona, Parc de Montjuïc and the Gothic Quarter.
Barcelona beckoning: Last call for registration for the 2017 INTA Annual Meeting
Reviewed by Neil Wilkof
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

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