Post by Jeremy and Ilanah:

The BBC reports that leading internet search engine Google is issuing threats against a naughty sound-alike website, Booble, alleging both confusion and dilution of its famous GOOGLE trade mark. The Booble, web page, launched last week, looks fairly similar to Google’s, as a Google search will swiftly reveal. However, anyone probing beneath that website’s surface will discover that its adult content is of a somewhat spicy nature. When the IPKat visited Booble this evening, he found 78 hits for “bosom” and 63 for “bottom” but no hits for “chicken”, “Jeremy” or “Ilanah” or “IPKat” (phew!). Booble insists that its site is nothing but a harmless parody and that, in any event, it has a First Amendment entitlement to use the Booble name. Booble adds: “Only a lawyer could say Booble without smiling”. If this be so, the IPKat’s masters are certainly no lawyers.

The IPKat says this is an acute case of res ipsa loquitur.

HAS GOOGLE BOOBED OVER BOOBLE? HAS GOOGLE BOOBED OVER BOOBLE? Reviewed by Verónica Rodríguez Arguijo on Sunday, February 01, 2004 Rating: 5

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