Now here's a Court of First Instance appeal on a Community trade mark matter that was first posted in Spanish only: it's
asunto T‑101/06,
Castell del Remei, S.L. v Oficina de Armonización del Mercado Interior, Bodegas Roda, S.A (nb just before this blog was posted, a French text was subsequently added). So far as the IPKat can glean, this was an application to register as a Community trade mark the sign depicted above, right, for various foods, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks in Classes 29, 30 and 33 (Clase 29: «Carne, pescado, aves y caza; extractos de carne; frutas y legumbres en conserva, secas y cocidas; gelatinas, mermeladas, compotas; huevos, leche y productos lácteos; aceites y grasas comestibles»; Clase 30: «Café, té, cacao, azúcar, arroz, tapioca, sagú, sucedáneos del café; harinas y preparaciones hechas de cereales, pan, pastelería y confitería, helados comestibles; miel, jarabe de melaza; levaduras, polvos para esponjar; sal, mostaza; vinagre, salsas (condimentos), especias; hielo; Clase 33: «Bebidas alcohólicas (excepto cervezas)»).

It looks to the Kat as though an opposition was filed against the Class 33 application, alleging a likelihood of confusion with Bodegas Roda's earlier international and national registrations for wine and liquor in Class 33 of marks containing the words BODEGA RODA, RODA, RODA I and RODA II, as well as pleading the existence of an earlier unregistered mark with more than purely local significance.
At this point things get very hazy. The IPKat thinks the opposition was upheld and that the Board of Appeal affirmed the Opposition Division's decision. It also looks as though the CFI has dismissed the appeal against the Board's ruling. As usual,
guidance is very much welcome!
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