For those of you who may not be day-aware, it's Friday! This means you are allowed to check the IPKat's Forthcoming Events page for all those exciting encounters with real and self-proclaimed experts, comfy and not-so-comfy venues, interesting and not-so-interesting topics ...
Page 9 of the PCT Newsletter is about eight pages further than the IPKat gets before he falls fast asleep, but he was alerted this time round by the vigilant Michelle Jones (Astex) to something that filled him with happiness -- news of an update to the WIPO anti-scam "warning page". It reads as follows:
Around the weblogs. "Bingo for Binley's as fictional seeds bear fruit" is the intriguing title of a piece by Birketts LLP's Chris Sleep on how Judge Birss handled the evidential hot potato of databases seeded with fake names so you can see if the mailing list someone else is using is the one you compiled: you can read it on the 1709 Blog here. Is freedom of expression guaranteed in the law of the Philippines? Yes, er, no, according to Art & Artifice, as Simone Blakeney explains here.
Page 9 of the PCT Newsletter is about eight pages further than the IPKat gets before he falls fast asleep, but he was alerted this time round by the vigilant Michelle Jones (Astex) to something that filled him with happiness -- news of an update to the WIPO anti-scam "warning page". It reads as follows:
"Warning page concerning requests for payment of fees
The “Warning” web page, which lists the invitations to pay fees that do not come from the
International Bureau of WIPO and are unrelated to the processing of international applications
under the PCT, is now available in French, Japanese and Russian, in addition to Chinese,
English, German and Spanish at, respectively:
The “Warning” page has also been updated to include two new invitations, as well as a copy ofYou can also read the MARQUES Class 46 collection of warning notices from national offices here.
the text, in Chinese, English, French, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Spanish, that WIPO has
provided to patent attorneys for use when informing applicants and inventors about such fee
requests, as well as the circular letter that has been sent by WIPO to patent Offices of PCT
Contracting States and regional organizations – see the “Practical Advice” in this issue for
details about those texts."
Around the weblogs. "Bingo for Binley's as fictional seeds bear fruit" is the intriguing title of a piece by Birketts LLP's Chris Sleep on how Judge Birss handled the evidential hot potato of databases seeded with fake names so you can see if the mailing list someone else is using is the one you compiled: you can read it on the 1709 Blog here. Is freedom of expression guaranteed in the law of the Philippines? Yes, er, no, according to Art & Artifice, as Simone Blakeney explains here.
Friday fantasies
Reviewed by Jeremy
Friday, August 12, 2011

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