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Proving that all [good ?] things come in threes, the Paris Tribunal
turned to the terms and conditions of Facebook in a decision handed down on 9
April 2019 (decision: Paris Tribunal (Tribunal de Grande Instance), UFC-Que Choisir v Facebook Inc. (9 April
2019), see here
for the decision in French).
going any further, it is worth noting that Facebook modified these documents
between the start of the proceedings and the publication of the decision by the
Paris Tribunal. The edited and current version of Facebook’s terms is reported
to address some of the issues raised in Tribunal’s decision (here).
In fact, the European Commission praised Facebook for editing its terms and
conditions on the very day the decision of the Paris Tribunal came out (here).
However, and as discussed below, these changes do not affect clauses related to
copyright. Unless Facebook appeals the decision and wins on appeal, this Paris
Tribunal decision will send Facebook back to the drawing board for a second
rewrite of its T&C’s. Read on.
The legal proceedings and
clauses in dispute
in the Twitter and Google cases, the proceedings were brought by the French
consumer association “UFC Que Choisir?” (UFC). UFC applied to the Paris
Tribunal that Facebook’s terms be declared unlawful under French privacy law,
data protection regulation, contract and copyright law.
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its 2015 and 2016 versions, Clause 2.1. of the SRR read:
Sharing Your Content and Information
own all of the content and information you post on Facebook, and you can
control how it is shared through your privacy and application settings. In
content that is covered by intellectual property rights, like photos and videos
(IP content), you specifically give us the following permission, subject to
your privacy and application settings: you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable,
royalty-free, worldwide license to use any IP content that you post on or in
connection with Facebook (IP License). This IP License ends when you delete
your IP content or your account unless your content has been shared with
others, and they have not deleted it.
(Facebook’s official version, here)
(Facebook’s official version, here)
Arguments of the parties
brought a claim based both on French copyright law and French law of contract, arguing
that Clause 2.1 breached provisions of the Consumer Code (CC) and the
Intellectual Property Code (IPC). Here are its arguments.
(a) They
submit that the user agrees to the transfer of his/her copyright, without limitation,
with no obvious benefit conferred by Facebook in return. As such, UFC claims that
the burden of the parties’ respective contractual obligations was disproportional
(i.e., it lacks adequate consideration) in favour of Facebook and as such
should be struck out as an unfair contract term in accordance with consumer law.
[NB to readers: In principle, French contract law does
not regulate the consideration given by the parties to a contract. However,
this principle is subject to numerous exceptions, one of which concerns
business-to-consumer (B2C) contracts, as it is the case here. In a B2C contract,
the judge may invalidate any contractual clause whose terms disproportionately
favours the business side by imposing onerous obligations on the consumer. This
protective measure is provided by the CC (Article L.132-1, para 7), which
implements Directive 93/13/CEE of 5 April 1993 (Article 4 para 2). It is worth
nothing that this exception applies only to terms and conditions that are
ancillary to the contract, such as liability, arbitration or choice of
As such, it cannot apply to clauses which go to the
heart of the contract. Such clauses are determined on a case-by-case basis.Typically,
for a contract of sales, clauses related to the price and the main features of
the goods will be regarded as core to the agreement. In the case of a contract
for the speedy delivery of goods (e.g. with Fedex) clauses related to the price,
the service of delivery and its
timeliness will be regarded as going to the heart of the contract, whereas
the core of an ordinary delivery agreement will typically be the price and service
delivery. Now back to IP…]
(b) UFC considers that Clause 2.1. transfers copyright in
user-generated content to Facebook without specificity or limitation. In
support of their argument, they note that the clause allows Facebook to use the
content even after it has been deleted or the account has been closed, by the
user. The claimant points to the requirement under the copyright law that a transfer
of copyright (assignment or licence) be specific regarding the copyright work
at issue, the rights conferred, and the types of use allowed by the author of
the work. To be valid, a transfer must also indicate the length of its
duration. Importantly, the IPC prohibits blanket transfers of rights for future
works (see (Article L 311-1 and following).
Facebook countered with the following claims:
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(a) The clause does not breach the provisions of the CC on unfair
contract terms because the obligations in the license are not disproportionate.
In their view, this proportionality rests on the fact that Facebook seeks a non-exclusive licence rather than a full
assignment of the rights for the copyright in user-generated content. In
support, they point to the preamble of their terms and conditions, which declares
that a user remains the owners of its own content [Twitter’s and Google’s spun the same line in their respective
cases, see here and here].
(b) The provisions of the CC on unfair contract terms cannot be
applied to this particular clause because the latter goes to the heart of the
contract (referring to the concept of the “object of the contract”, a component
of consideration in French contract law). Facebook submitted that it is the
core of their service to enable the publishing and sharing of user-generated
content. Clauses covering the question of copyright in the content are thus
essential to that service. Accordingly, clauses dealing with the transfer of copyright
form part of the object of the contract, which cannot be subject to the general
principle of judicial scrutiny under the consumer protection law.
Decision of the Paris
Paris Tribunal addressed the respective pleadings
of the parties in Section 4 of its judgment. The Tribunal’s reasoning consists
of three points:
(a) The
main object of the service provided by Facebook, and therefore of its contract
with users, is the provision of “social media networking” (“service de réseautage social”) services, which makes
it possible for users to interact with their contacts, create groups around common
interests and share content with other Facebook users. This object is distinct
from the purpose of the clause, which concerns the transfer of copyright in
user-generated content. As such, Clause 2.1 of the SRR may, in accordance with
consumer protection law, be subject to judicial scrutiny.
(b) Taken
as a whole, Facebook’s terms and conditions on user-generated copyright content
are unclear and confusing. Clause 2.1. fails to define with enough specificity
the scope of the free, world-wide, non-exclusive licence granted to Facebook. The
Tribunal stresses the fact that Facebook gives its users the possibility of
terminating the licence by deleting the content from the platform or by closing
their account. At the same time, the clause provides for significant caveats,
whereby Facebook will not be bound by the termination of the licence (when the
content has been shared by others or back-up copies have been made by Facebook,
both of which are common and highly likely to occur). This, the Tribunal
argues, gives too much leeway to Facebook to ignore the effect of the
termination, because frequently content will have already been shared by users
and thereby saved by the company for back-up purposes. Thus, the Tribunal holds
that while the clause gives the impression that users have a right to terminate
their licence, in fact, the termination will often have little effect in
practice, and their content will continue to be used by Facebook. The fact that
the company does not make this clear in the clause contributes to the
contract’s lack of clarity and specificity.
(c) Considering
the points made above, the contractual obligations between Facebook and their
consumers regarding the transfer of copyright are significantly disproportional.
In securing the free, world-wide, non-exclusive licence without clarity on the
scope of its application, Clause 2.1. of the SRR document constitutes as an
unfair term within the meaning of the French Consumer Code and 1993 Directive,
and thereby breaches the provisions of IPC mentioned above.
the basis of the foregoing, the Tribunal concludes that this provision is null
and void and thus unenforceable by Facebook.
What now?
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As with the Twitter and Google decisions, we will have to
wait and see how Facebook proposes to respond to the Tribunal’s order to change
their contractual terms. Again, it is possible that this social media platform
will appeal the decision, although one wonders
whether a court of appeal will overturn what appears to be a straight-forward
application of French law (and which the Tribunal has now affirmed three
Concluding remarks made in relation to the Twitter and Google
and here) decision also apply to this case. Going forward, Facebook will have to be granted a licence as users
upload their content or use their services for the company to lawfully secure
the right to reproduce user-generated content. In the context of Facebook’s
services, this could involve prompting consumers to sign off on their rights as
they post or upload new content. This seems more feasible for Facebook than
Twitter or Google, because the platform already invites or prompts users to
“tag” information “in” their posts (e.g. disclosing their own physical location
at the time of posting or the identity of others featuring in their photos and
videos). Can the same technology be extended to sign away copyright? Maybe…
Images are in the public domain.
Images are in the public domain.
Things come in threes – Paris Tribunal guts Facebook’s T&C’s
Reviewed by Mathilde Pavis
Monday, May 06, 2019

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