It's Friday again, it's August again! Here are a few events and vacancies you might want to check before leaving for your holidays or even if your holidays are already over...
The Hershey Company is pleased to announce the Program for the PIUG 2019 NE Regional Conference, Navigating Patent Information in a Flat World. The conference will be held from Monday, September 23 to Wednesday, September 25, 2019 at the APA Hotel Woodbridge in Iselin, NJ. Click here for registration information. Early Bird Rates are available until August 18, 2019.
Research Assistant - European University Institute
The Hershey Company is pleased to announce the Program for the PIUG 2019 NE Regional Conference, Navigating Patent Information in a Flat World. The conference will be held from Monday, September 23 to Wednesday, September 25, 2019 at the APA Hotel Woodbridge in Iselin, NJ. Click here for registration information. Early Bird Rates are available until August 18, 2019.

Research Assistant - European University Institute
The European University Institute has a vacancy for a Research Assistant in the Department of Law. The Research Assistant will contribute to the study of the ways in which AI applications and more generally computations affect relevant interests in different socio-technical contexts, the influence chains and legal responsibilities linking computations to their deployers and designers, the extent to which harm can be prevented and remedied and computational justice and fairness be supported and will contribute to the definition of a regulatory framework for artificial intelligence combining regulations directed to humans, system requirements and regulation directed to (autonomous) computational entities. For more information click here.
Chair-holding Professor - Amsterdam Law School
The Institute for Information Law at the Amsterdam Law School has a vacancy for a Chair-holding Professor in Intellectual Property Law Aspects of the Information Society. The chair holder will collaborate with the other chair holders in the domain of information law, and share responsibility for the Faculty’s research program in information law, and for further developing the Institute’s research agenda. For more information click here.
Chair-holding Professor - Amsterdam Law School
The Institute for Information Law at the Amsterdam Law School has a vacancy for a Chair-holding Professor in Intellectual Property Law Aspects of the Information Society. The chair holder will collaborate with the other chair holders in the domain of information law, and share responsibility for the Faculty’s research program in information law, and for further developing the Institute’s research agenda. For more information click here.
Friday fantasies
Reviewed by Antonella Gentile
Friday, August 02, 2019

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