What Kat food does The IPKat serve you this week? Here it comes...
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This Kat is a food lover. |
Conference 'Three Decades @ The Crossroads of IP, ICT and Law’
The KU Leuven Centre for IT & IP Law (CiTiP) will hold a conference, 'Three Decades @ The Crossroads of IP, ICT and Law', celebrating its 30th anniversary on 4 October 2019 at the law faculty of KU Leuven. In addition to keynotes by Karen Yeung, Reto Hilty and Luciano Floridi, the conference will cover a range of IP & IT related sessions dealing with topical and emerging issues. The deadline for the registration is 1 October 2019. For more information: here
Webinar by American Apparel & Footwear Association
The American Apparel & Footwear Association will host a webinar titled‘How Search Engines Can Support Brands and Fight the Fakes'. The speakers include Simon Baggs, the CEO of Incopro; Helen Saunders, Chief Product and Customer Solution Office of Incopro; and Dan Glover, Partner of McCarthy Tetrault LLP.
Time: 2019/10/8 14:00 - 2019/10/8 15:00 (East US Time Zone)
Venue: online
For more information: here
Call for Papers
JIPLP Special 'Image Rights' Issue: Call for Articles!
Here is a reminder for those who are interested in contributing a paper to JIPLP's planned special issue on "Image Rights". The deadline for the call is Monday, 16 September 2019. More information can be found: here ( previous Kat post here)
Full-time research professor and legal researchers - the KU Leuven Center for IT & IP Law
The KU Leuven Centre for IT & IP Law invites applications for three positions: full-time research professor in intellectual property (deadline for application: 20 September 2019); legal researcher with interest in IP law (deadline for applications: 31 August 2019); and legal researcher with an interest in law and ICT (deadline for applications: 31 August 2019).
More information on the post of legal researcher with interest in law and ICT can be found here and with interest in IP law can be found here.
Singapore: the world's first mobile App for filing trademark applications
The Intellectual property office of Singapore (IPOS) has launched the world’s first mobile app for trademark applications. Developed by IPOS, the app – IPOS Go – will allow businesses and entrepreneurs seeking trademark protection in Singapore to file their trademarks directly via their mobile devices. More information can be found here .
Thursday Thingies
Reviewed by Kan He
Thursday, August 22, 2019

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