A while ago the Swedish Data Protection Authority
requested Google to delist a search query relating to an individual’s name
and also that relevant search results would be delisted globally (ie for all country
versions of its search engine) in respect to that individual.
The name of the individual had appeared in the context
of a newspaper article where it was revealed that he had been reported to the
police by several other individuals for committing fraud in relation to a
property investment.
Google appealed the decision to the Stockholm Administrative Court, also seeking a review of the scale of the delisting order issued.
The Stockholm Administrative Court held
this week that Google should de-index that specific search query for searches
made from Sweden, and that the Swedish Data Protection Authority cannot request
Google to de-index that result in respect of countries other than Sweden.
The applicability of
the Data Protection Act in relation to search engines
The Stockholm Administrative Court started by clarifying
the purpose behind the Personal
Data Act, which is to protect people from having their
personal integrity impaired by the processing of their own personal data.
Personal data are defined as any information that can directly or indirectly be
attributed to a physical person (Section 1 and 3). The Personal Data Act is based
on Directive
95/46 (Data Protection Directive).
In this regard, the Stockholm Administrative Court
noted that the present case is similar to Google Spain, in which the CJEU specified that in the application
of the Data Protection
Directive one should consider the various interests at hand. In this respect,
the rights of data subjects under Articles 7 and 8 of the Charter should be
taken into account and balanced against freedom of expression/information and
freedom to conduct a business.
Furthermore, the Stockholm Administrative Court took
into account the Guidelines
of the Article 29 Data Protection Working Party. The require consideration of
- the data subject play a role in public life
- the data is relevant
and not excessive, including whether the data relate to the working life of the data
- the data being is
being made available for longer than is necessary for the purpose of the
- the indexing of
the individual constitute an infringement of his/her personal integrity
assessment of de-indexing should be based on how old the article in question
was, how the article affected the claimant, if the article impacted on the claimant's
professional or personal life and if the public, by having access to the
information, would be protected by misconduct in professional practice.
According to the Stockholm court, the article at issue related to conditions
that concern the claimant’s professional life and that the claimant in his
professional capacity should be considered as a public person. Because the
claimant is still active in the same field of work the broad public also has a
clear interest in finding that information. At the same time, there has been a
considerable amount of time between the reported crimes in the article (2006 –
2017). It is also clear that the claimant has not been convicted for any crimes
since 2006.
Whether the
injunction by the Swedish Data Protection Authority against Google not to show
the article in question is compliant with the ban against censorship
Despite the fact that a ban may be contrary to the
spreading of information – in light of Chapter 1, 3 § of the Swedish
Fundamental Law on the Freedom of Expression – a ban to disclose
information about a person’s name cannot always be contrary to a censorship

The ban against censorship also has a wider scope than
the wording of the exemption provided for in Article 9 of the Data Protection
Directive. However, not all restrictions of a search engines indexing information on a newspaper's publication cannot be deemed to be incompatible
with the censorship ban. In the Google Spain case, the CJEU weighed the
protection of privacy and the freedom of speech against each other and it established that, in principle, the protection of privacy does not only weigh
heavier than the search engine provider’s interests but also the wider public
interest in accessing such information. However, the CJEU stated that the
protection of privacy may end if there are special reasons. Hence, even if a
prohibition affects the dissemination of information protected by the Swedish
Fundamental Law on the Freedom of Expression, a ban on displaying searches on
an individual’s name cannot always be regarded as incompatible with a
censorship ban.
Scope of delisting
The requirement to de-index global searches – as per
the order of the Data Protection Authority – would mean that the national
legislation of all other Member States would be applicable, provided that there
is a place of establishment in the Member State. It would also mean that the
Data Protection Directive would be extended to affect the processing of
personal data for searches from countries that have not given the EU any
According to the Stockholm Administrative Court (and this is
probably the most interesting aspect of the judgment) Article 4(1) of the Data
Protection Directive – together with the decision in Google Spain – does not
support such a possibility. Considerations relating to legal certainty require that the
application of the Data Protection Directive and national provisions are clear
and foreseeable and that the person or company responsible for processing such data
can predict whether it can be subject to an intervention. An application that
implies that all Member States' national legislation – taken together – can be
applicable in one simple search through Google’s search engine - does not meet
the requirements of clarity and predictability. Therefore the Stockholm Administrative
Court found that the injunction should be disapplied in this aspect.
A couple of points about the judgment
This decision is interesting, especially because –
pending the CJEU reference regarding the scope of delisting - it is an
additional piece to the puzzle that the CJEU arguably left incomplete - or at least ambiguous - in Google Spain.
The issue of the scope of de-indexing is not limited
to the EU or data protection/right to be forgotten cases. One could for
instance recall that recent decision in Google v Equustek Solution Inc, 2017
SCC 34 [see here], in
which the Canadian Supreme Court held that Google can be ordered to de-index
results from its search engine globally, ie in respect of all country versions
of its search engine.
Will these decisions prompt a change in the way in
which search engines delist content from search results? If so: how far would
all this go? That remains to be seen.
A post on... data protection? I hope the IP Kat will remain an IP blog, won't it?
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteIPKat is an IP blog and will remain such. However, IP practitioners cannot ignore developments in neighbouring areas of the law that might have implications for IP as well: for instance, when it comes to online IP infringements, the scale of delisting of infringing search results is a topic that many IP lawyers have been increasingly tackling, and so is the extent to which EU rights (eg the database right) can be enforced outside Europe. Not to mention the fact that many IP practitioners in their daily practice encounter data protection/privacy/right to be forgotten issues ...