The IPKat has a few presents for you. An event that catches your eye? New job opportunity? There should be something for you in this round-up.
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From your not-so-secret Santa <3 |
Before we get started...
A reminder to vote for your favourite IP Book of the Year, in The IPKat Book of the Year Awards 2019! You can find the link to the survey here.
What is the function of functionality in trade mark law? - UCL IBIL
The UCL Institute of Brand & Innovation Law has brought together a distinguished panel to explore the proper role of the functionality exclusions in trade mark law. The talk will be held on 12 February 2020, from 5:30pm to 8:15pm at the Deny Holland Lecture Theatre (UCL Laws), Bentham House, Endsleigh Gardens, London, WC1H 0EG. To sign up and find further details, see here.
What you need to know about copyright and social media - Webinar
Could you be infringing copyright law without knowing it? IPKat's very own Special Kat Hayleigh Bosher (Brunel University, London) will be presenting a webinar on 18 February 2020 at 3pm, exploring the remit of social media, how copyright works on it, and improving understanding of the rules for sharing content over social media. You can sign up for the webinar here.
3rd IP Case Law Conference - European Union Intellectual Property Office
Registration is now open for the third edition of the IP Case Law Conference, to be held on 21 and 22 May 2020 at the EUIPO Headquarters in Alicante. The conference draws on a wide range of global intellectual property expertise for a two-day forum of debate and discussion. You can view the conference programme here, further information here, and can register for the event here.
Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights in Szeged (WIPS)
The Institute of Comparative Law and Legal Theory (University of Szeged, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences) will host the 5th annual 'Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights in Szeged (WIPS)' on 4-5 May 2020, in Szeged (Hungary), exploring current issues in intellectual property law. The event will welcome two keynote speakers: First Advocate General Maciej Szpunar (Court of Justice of the European Union) and Professor Estelle Derclaye (University of Nottingham).
Those interested may also have the opportunity to submit a paper for presentation at WIPS. Those interested are invited to submit their abstracts of approximately 300 words in two tracks: “Towards a more uniform European IP law” and “Technological innovation and intellectual property” by 30 January 2020 to Further details can be found here.
12th Annual Conference on Innovation and Communications Law (CICL)
The Centre of IP, Media and Innovation Law (Danube University Krems) and ITïIP Law Group (Vienna University of Economics and Business) will jointly co-organize and host the 12th Annual Conference on Innovation and Communications Law (CICL) on 7-8 May 2020 in Vienna and Krems (Austria). This year's topic is "Society in Transition: Challenges and Implications for Innovation and Communications Law". The organisers of CICL 2020 would also like to invite papers on the topic, with a list of potential sub-themes and further details available here (note: sign up for the event is not yet available).
19th SERCI Annual Congress 2020
The Society for Economic Research on Copyright Issues will be holding its 19th Annual Congress on 30 June 2020, in Boulder Colorado. Submissions of papers to be presented at the Congress are invited, and should be sent as an email attachment to, with a submission deadline of 5 April 2020. Submissions may be on any topic that uses economic analysis (theoretical or empirical) to better understand any issues related to copyright. Relevant topics include, but are not restricted to, efficient use of copyright, models of copyright piracy, optimal copyright parameters, effects of copyright upon welfare, the law and economics of copyright, copyright and its alternatives, and copyright policy generally. More information can be found here.
EPIP2020 Conference
The European Policy for Intellectual Property association - EPIP - announces its 15th Annual Conference in Madrid, Spain, on 9 - 11 September 2020, hosted by the Institute of Public Goods and Policies at the Spanish National Research Council, CSIC-IPP. Scholars from all disciplines and practitioners interested in the economic, managerial, legal and political aspects of IP are all encouraged to submit and/or to attend. All forms of IP are relevant, whether patents, copyrights, trademarks, plant breeding rights, geographical indications, design rights, trade secrets or others. Paper submission opens on 3 February 2020, and you can find further information here.
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If shiny lights were opportunities... |
Job Opportunities
Edinburgh Law School - Early Career Fellow in Intellectual Property Law / Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law
Applications are invited for a post in Intellectual Property Law at Edinburgh Law School. Current requirements include teaching and supervision in patent law and trade secrets and applications are particularly welcome from candidates with expertise and research interests in these areas. The successful applicant will have a strong profile in research and publications commensurate with the stage of their career. They will have a PhD in IP Law or be very close to completion, or equivalent professional experience, and a strong background in law. Dependent on experience and potential, the successful applicant may be appointed as an Early Career Fellow (UE07) or a Lecturer (UE08). Applicants for the previously advertised post in this area need not re-apply. The post is available from 1st August 2020. You can find further information here.
University of Sheffield - Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law
The University of Sheffield is looking to appoint someone with teaching and research expertise in Intellectual Property Law, who will contribute to research-led teaching in your area of expertise as well as conducting their own research. Candidates will have or will be working towards a PhD in the relevant subject area (or have equivalent experience) and have a proven teaching ability, ideally with a recognised teaching qualification.
The closing date for applications is 20 January 2020 and you can find further details here.
IP News
CEIPI University Diploma in "European Union Trade Mark and Community Design Law" - academic year 2019/2020, enrolment open
CEIPI is pleased to announce the launch of its new training programme, "European Union Trade Mark and Community Design Law". This programme, the first of its kind, focuses on EU Trade Marks and the EU legal framework on Community designs. It also includes lectures dealing with US and Japanese laws. The programme will be delivered over a period of 4 weeks starting in February and ending in May 2020. It is divided in four modules: Introduction to the EUTM system and absolute grounds of refusal; Relative grounds: introduction to opposition proceedings; EU Trade Mark Litigation, and Infringement of EU Trade Marks and EU Design Law. Faculty includes experienced attorneys, renowned professors and Members of the Board of Appeal of the European Intellectual Property Office. The programme is conducted in English through lectures, seminars and workshops involving case studies.
For additional programme details, including admission criteria and application deadlines, you can find the link to the dedicated page here.
UK Sports Law Competition
For the students! Gateley plc (a legal and professional services group) will be hosting the UK Sports Law competition (UKSLC) on 28 February 2020 from 9:30am to 5:30pm at the iconic Etihad Stadium, home of Manchester City Football Club. Students will compete in teams of two and tested on their ability to think commercially when faced with a fictional topical legal problem within the sports industry. Prizes include experience in the Gateley Legal business, as well as being a great networking opportunity for students. You can find further information and book tickets here.
Tuesday Thingies
Reviewed by Riana Harvey
Tuesday, December 24, 2019

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