Post by Jeremy and Ilanah:
As many of us begin to purchase holiday gifts, we'll have to decide if we we wish to buy someone a pair of NIKE running shorts made with LYCRA, a cell phone customized for those who buy and ride Harley Davidson motorcycles, or a computer bearing the INTEL INSIDE Logo. Or maybe it is time for a new car -- will you select the one that comes with a BOSE sound system (it can be a MASERATI Quattroporte or a NISSAN QUEST(tm) Minivan)? And maybe you'll make many of these purchases with a DISNEY VISA Credit Card from Bank one. And when it comes to baking those holiday goodies, you might just find yourself buying a box of BETTY CROCKER cake mix which includes HERSHEY chocolate.
What is all of this? It is "Ingredient" or "attribute" branding and it is more popular now than ever.
Ingredient or attribute branding is the practice of branding qualities, characteristics or distinctive features of a product or a service. It can be used by the owner of the "host" brand to differentiate its products from others or it can be used by the "guest" brand to expand its consumer recognition. It can be used by the host or the guest to expand into new areas. Ingredient or attribute branding is a powerful tool to expand brand awareness and can be used in brand extensions.
As with all types of branding, ingredient or attribute branding carries risks and costs along with the benefits. As the host brand, you must before that your guest behaves well, adding value and boosting consumer recognition and goodwill. As the guest brand, you must be sure that you have selected the right host; if the host goes up in flames, the guest may burn too. Thus, host and guest relationships must be developed in a considered and thoughtful way, making sure that their objectives are complementary, allowing the brands to grow and succeed. A strategic, well organized and well-funded ingredient or attribute branding program can greatly enhance and grow a brand. Such a program requires defined objectives, legal compliance (licensing, use guidelines, enforcement), and promotional and marketing support.
Examples of successful ingredient or attribute programs can be found at (INTEL INSIDE) and (LYCRA). You can check out the Maserati's sound system at (they'll even tell you about that minivan....). And keep in mind that you cannot control all use of your ingredient brand -- just check out these great horse accessories made from Lycra ....
Reviewed by Verónica Rodríguez Arguijo
Tuesday, December 09, 2003
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