Post by Jeremy and Ilanah:
* Jack Daniels and Bacardi v Licores Navarres (Provincial Court of Valencia, Spain): another Spanish decision in which the court refuses to apply the principle of regional exhaustion of rights.
* Callaway Golf Company v Big Bertha srl (Court of Perugia, Italy): sale of BIG BERTHA cashmere products infringes the Italian registration of BIG BERTHA for golfing equipment.
* SA Iliad v Cedric A (Tribunal de Grande Instance, Paris, France): Injunction ordered for infringement of the ANNU trade mark even though the infringement ceased 15 months before the trial.
* Odyssee Interactive v L’isle des Medias (Tribunal de Commerce de Grenoble, France): which is the proper court to hear internet-related trade mark disputes in France?
In addition, this issue carries numerous reports on trade mark cases from the European Court of Justice, the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market and other jurisdictions.
The ETMR is edited by the IPKat’s masters Jeremy Phillips and Ilanah Simon, who would like to hear from you if you know of an interesting recent case which is worth considering for publication in the ETMR. To contact us, email here.
Reviewed by Verónica Rodríguez Arguijo
Tuesday, December 09, 2003
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