Post by Jeremy and Ilanah:

The second edition of Adrian Sterling’s excellent book World Copyright Law has just been published by Sweet & Maxwell (see bibliographical details below). Even more so than in the case of the first edition, this volume provides guidance which enables its reader to navigate the great expanse of national, international and regional copyright law which stands before him. Drawing upon a huge range of material and making full use of his range of experience teaching postgraduate copyright law at the Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute, Professor Sterling offers some detailed analysis of the major features and trends which currently beset us as legislation rushes to keep abreast of the new technologies.

One of the strengths of Adrian Sterling’s writing is that he has cultivated the gift of explaining the complex in a manner which is highly accessible. He does this both by writing in clear, direct prose and also by not assuming too great a degree of knowledge on the part of the reader. The importance of this approach cannot be overemphasised. Nowadays most people do not read lengthy law books such as this from cover to cover but dip into them when faced with a specific issue upon which help is sought. It is no use for an author to assume that the reader has a perfect recall of explanations and analyses which he may have rendered several hundred pages earlier. Both Professor Sterling’s writing style and the structure of this volume thus make this a work which is surprisingly user-friendly.

The IPKat congratulates Professor Sterling on his scholarship and his endeavours. The IPKat also applauds the decision to give an ongoing 50% discount to all Queen Mary LLB and LLM students, but hopes the day will come when such discounts on expensive law books such as this are available to all students, from all educational establishments, regardless of their course of study.

J. A. L. Sterling, World Copyright Law, cv + 1357pp (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2nd edition 2003), hardcover, £235; ISBN 0421790709.
STERLING EFFORT STERLING EFFORT Reviewed by Verónica Rodríguez Arguijo on Friday, December 05, 2003 Rating: 5

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