Some readers have commented that, with so many items being posted on this weblog each week, they miss things and discover that a post on which they would have liked to comment has disappeared from view. Accordingly, for a limited time, the IPKat is conducting a little experiment and posting, each Monday morning, a little list of the articles -- other than the usual round-ups on Monday, Wednesday and Friday -- which were posted over the previous seven days. The Kat will then sound readers out as to whether they find this feature useful.
Last week's posts, in chronological order, are as follows:
Last week's posts, in chronological order, are as follows:
"A bauble for the Bon Bon: rapper does have a reputation but isn't greatly damaged, rules Aussie court" here, where a very serious Australian court ponders copyright infringement in a somewhat frivolous set of facts in the exotic world of rappers and DJs.Kat illustration above by Rohit Dhyani
"Public interest beats patentee's right to injunction" here, expressing surprise at a recent United States ruling on relief for patent infringement.
"Might one presume? Luxembourg court advises Austrians on German legal provisions" here, discussing a question referred to the Court of Justice of the European Union by an Austrian court faced with applying German law.
"From fragment to framework: a live EU initiative" here, an initiative by the European Commission to do some joined-up thinking in terms of its information policy.
"The lost potato fries case" here, this being an analysis of some hot-to-handle German litigation on the legal status of potato chips as art.
"Katonomics 12: economics and competition" here, which offers a broad view of the way competition economists operate and how they view intellectual property.
"One in the eye for Pfizer glaucoma patent policy?" here, on the battering which Italy's competition authority has given to a leading pharma multinational.
"Big, black and beautiful: the new CIPA Guide" here, this being a review of the British Bible of patent legislation.
"Feel-good fable of the fake underwear" here, on how Calvin Klein gave his blessing to the distribution of infringing underwear to the deserving poor.
"Macedonian customs: a breath of fresh air ..." here, on the seizure by a border patrol of thousands of fake scented pine trees.
"Is the "inscrutable patent bar" unlikely to see a unitary patent agreement by June 2012?" here, on the latest parliamentary scrutiny of proposals for a unitary European patent system.
"More hacked off? Mulcaire given leave to appeal" here, relating to litigation as to whether a journalist can invoke the privilege against self-incrimination in a phone-hacking trial.
"A Study in Scarlet as Court imposes blanket ban on blanket filters -- again" here, on a ruling that the social media are in the same position as ISPs when asked to monitor all traffic for infringing matter.
"United by an AdWord, divided by a common language: Austria, Germany and Wintersteiger" here, covering the advice which the Advocate General has given the Court of Justice of the European Union on jurisdiction in AdWord trade mark infringement cases.
"Having a right doesn't make you right, says CJEU in design ruling" here, this being a note on an important ruling that ownership of a registered Community design is not a defence to an action for design infringement.
"Renewal scams and useless registers: can you help?" here, a plea for assistance in putting together an investigative radio programme.
"The Whizzkid's Handbook, for European Patent Attorneys" here, taking a look at the European Patent Office's "Handbook of Quality Procedures Before the EPO".
"It pays to scam, as typosquatters carry on after adverse ruling" here, looking at a lucrative combination of traditional typosquatting combined with regular IP infringement and the cynical use of premium phone lines.
"Stick to it! More chocolate shapes for the Court of Justice" here, explaining the factual and legal background to one of the most recent disputes to be referred to the EU's most senior court for a preliminary ruling.
Looking for something? Last week's Katposts
Reviewed by Jeremy
Monday, February 20, 2012

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