Alberto Bellan |
Some may think that the past few
weeks have been fairly intense for internet service providers (ISPs) in the UK alone, with
Arnold J clarifying, first, that blocking orders can be
issued against websites that advertise and sell counterfeit goods [here] and,
then, issuing the biggest blocking order to date
in this country [here].
Apparently things have also been busy
in France, especially this week with the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris ordering major French ISPs to block access
to the Pirate Bay and the Cour d'Appel de Paris clarifying the liability regime for second
generation video-sharing platforms.
Fellow blogger and expert in all things
ISPs and French, Alberto Bellan, provides a thorough and
thoughtful analysis of the latter.
Here's what Alberto writes:
"The background to this dispute was not
dissimilar to many other proceedings against video-sharing platforms' operators
that IP lovers have been following for a number of years. The typical plot is
as follows: users of a video-sharing platform upload videos grabbed from TV
shows or movies. Instead of suing direct infringers, who are hardly identifiable and
have less-deep pockets, rightholders bring infringement proceedings
against the ISPs operating the video-platforms.
All these proceedings have a number of
recurring issues in common, including: what liability regime should apply
to ISPs running second-generation video-sharing platforms (ie, platforms
that offer services other than mere hosting); how infringement and ownership
over outstandingly high number of allegedly infringed contents is to be
ascertained; whether users' uploading activity causes actual damages to
rightholders and, if so, how to calculate them.
The decision that the Paris Court of Appeal
delivered earlier this week (2 December) makes no exception.
SA Télévision Française 1 ('TF1') and other
affiliated companies found that some videos to which they jealously own the
copyright had been uploaded on well-known video-sharing platform Dailymotion.
After sending a number of takedown notices that
Dailymotion did not entirely or promptly processed, TF1 and its friends brought
proceedings against this ISP.
In 2012, the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris
held Dailymotion liable for not having taken down some contents promptly
enough, and ordered it to pay EUR 300k in damages and legal fees.
The recent ruling of the Paris Court of Appeal
upheld the reasoning line of the first-instance decision, with some interesting
An ownership claim? Prove it
The first part of the decision is devoted to the
tricky issue of ownership of the allegedly infringed content. It might not be
considered the dream job, the Court said, but companies like SF1 cannot rely on
any presumption in this respect, and have to prove their rights over each and
any of the allegedly infringed works.
Although this may be easily demonstrated with works
that the claimant produced, things may be harder with shows produced by third
parties, and that the TV channel broadcast as a mere licensee. In these cases,
the Court stated, the claimant have to ground their standing to sue for all and
any content over which they claim infringement. Accordingly, they have to
submit licensing and/or assignment agreements proving their legal entitlement
at the time when the alleged infringement took place.
In the many pages of the ruling devoted to this
very issue, the Court of Appeal established that the mere presence of the
Channel's logo on the uploaded videos and programmes schedule (including the
shows' titles) are not enough to ground ownership, nor is the circumstance that
the claimant has held rights over the work for a period of time in the past if
it does not also demonstrate that the infringement took place during the period
in which the licence was in place.
After a strict ownership analysis, the Court of
Appeal identified the works over which the claimants could claim rights, and
excluded those whose ownership was not proved at the time when the infringement
was determined.
Third generation hosting providers
The second point that the Court of Appeal
considered was the liability regime to be applied to Dailymotion.
The latter's video-sharing platform provides
services other than mere hosting. Among other things, Dailymotion provides for
related-videos and internal notice-and-take-down services, automated
functionalities highlighting the most-viewed videos, and dedicated channels for
motion makers and professional users.
According to TF1 and the other claimants the above
would demonstrate that Dailymotion's approach towards the hosted contents would
not really be passive and neutral, but rather akin to the role of an actual
content editor. In the best glory of the "active provider theory", the
claimants claimed that Dailymotion could not enjoy the 'safe harbour'
protection of the E-Commerce Directive and that a strict
liability regime should be applied instead.
The Court of Appeal dismissed such argument,
holding that the automatic nature of the additional services do not prevent an
ISP from benefiting from the safe harbour within Article 14 of the
E-Commerce Directive, as well as Article 6 of French Law No 2004-575, which transposed this
directive into the French system.
Interestingly enough, the Court of Appeal also held
that Dailymotion's partnerships with motion makers and professional users
actually make the role of this ISP akin to that of an editor. However
"the existence of those partnerships and the
circumstance that, within those particular frameworks, Dailymotion performs the
role of an editor, do not exclude that that ISP can be regarded as an hosting
provider [under Article 14 of the E-Commerce Directive] as regards the other
contents for which it provides technical hosting services".
If you ever got a take-down notice,
just run!
After ISPs that merely provide hosting services and
ISPs that offer additional but merely automatic functionalities, here's a third
generation hosting providers allowed to play a double role --
"editor" towards contents agreed with professional partners (normal
liability applies) and hosting providers towards common user-generated
contents, regarding which the E-Commerce safe harbour may apply.
In this perspective Dailymotion is not supposed to
undertake a control over the uploaded contents in advance and shall be found
liable only if it acquires actual knowledge of the infringing contents'
existence and it does not act promptly to take them down. Such actual knowledge
arises when the ISP receives a detailed infringement notice that, in line with
Article 6(I)(5) of the French Law No 2004-575, provides "the
description and the exact localisation" [ie, the URL] of the contested
contents" [see the ruling of the Court
of Justice of the European Union’s in L’Oréal, Case C-324/09,
para 122, and the rulings of the courts of appeal of Madrid and Paris, noted on
this blog here and here respectively].
The Court acknowledged that the above is
something that the claimants actually did, and in some cases Dailymotion did
not promptly remove the allegedly infringing works. In this perspective, the
Court meticulously took into account when the notices were received and the
days of Dailymotion's inactivity in taking them down. Keeping the works
available for one week after the notice's receipt is too much, the Court said.
In light of this criterion, Dailymotion was found liable for not expeditiously
taking down 566 works.
Cutting-edge method to calculate IP damages
Quel dommage?
Does unlawful uploading of contents over a
video-sharing platform cause actual damages to the rightholder? This is a
tricky question (and, incidentally, also the research topic of my own
PhD). For instance, when it comes to film trailers, a single scene or a
fragment too short to be licensed, it could be hard to demonstrate that
rightholders have suffered an actual economic loss. Actually, it
might be the case that those infringements could instead have a beneficial, eg promotional,
effect on the original work. How to draw the line between harmful and promotional infringements then?
The decision of the Paris Court of Appeal shed some
light. The Court held that the making available of substantial parts of
protected works on Dailymotion would result in infringing
works negatively affecting the normal exploitation of the rightholders' works:
"Allowing the internet users to avoid watching
the programmes when they are broadcast by SA TF1 and to use the Dailymotion
website like a TV on demand … having a negative impact on the TV audience and,
sometimes, on the promotional incomes thereof".
The actual competition [if not substitution effect tout
court] between the original
and infringing works resulted in the claimants being damaged.
This said, the criterion that the
Court employed to determine the actual compensation is not completely clear.
The amount that TF1 yearly invests to produce or obtain licences over the works
it broadcasts varies between EUR 290 and 390m. It follows (?) that "the damage that TF1 suffered as a
consequence of Dailymotion activity can be quantified in EUR 2,000 for each"
of the 566 videos reproducing TF1’s episodes not promptly taken down,
topping the considerable amount of EUR 1,132,000.
I have hardly tried to understand the
actual relation between TF1's investment and the damages per video as
calculated by the Court. Lacking detailed statutory or case-law guidelines on
this point, it comes as no surprise that courts may calculate
infringement-related damages in, let's say, creative ways. Any input from
French readers on this point would be greatly appreciated.”
A genuine appraisal of damages would involve the infamous and brutal definition of TF1's business as explained by its CEO nearly 10 years ago:
ReplyDelete« ce que nous vendons à Coca-Cola, c'est du temps de cerveau humain disponible. »
What we're selling to [the] Coca Cola [company] is available human brain time.
The "content" isn't per se what is being sold. It is only the medium used to attract the said human "brains", a kind of glass beads...