Sunday Surprises

A Sunday escapade

Conferences and webinars 

On October 8-9, the HGF Law will hold the second set of webinars in a series of three Brexit-dedicated events. Webinar 2, which is free of charge, is dedicated to “Opposition and cancellation trade mark strategies in the run up to the end of Brexit transition”. Additional information on the series and registration for either of the two dates of this webinar is available here. Throughout this autumn and winter, the HGF will also hold a weekly programme of 15 webinars, dedicated to various issues of IP in Retail. Participation to the webinars is free of charge. Consult here for the exact timing and details. 

On October 23rd, the State Bar of Nevada is organizing a virtual conference on intellectual property law. The speakers will cover a wide range of topics, including ethics issues in IP law, conflict-of-laws issues in IP law and the implications of the Open COVID Pledge on the development of a COVID vaccine. 

On November 20th, the EPO is having an online conference on the Boards of Appeal and key decisions of 2020, including a session on AI and computer implemented inventions, and another on the Enlarged Board of Appeal Opinion in G3/19 [also covered by The IPKat here]. The full programme is available here, and registration is open until November 5th. 


The University of Strasbourg is looking to hire a research assistant in IP law. The position is open until October 28, to candidates with an LLM in IP law, who are fluent in both French and English. 


The Association Littéraire et Artistique Internationale (ALAI) published its Second Opinion on certain aspects of Art. 17 of the DSM Directive. This Second Opinion addresses the proposals, advanced with regards to the German implementation of Art. 17 in the so-called German Discussion Draft, issued by the German Ministry of Justice and for Consumer Protection.

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the state of intellectual property protection and enforcement in third countries. The information gathered will help the European Commission to prioritize its efforts in the external action, according to the so called “Priority countries” list (not to be confused with the US Special 301 Report!). Any interested stakeholders may fill out a lengthy questionnaire by November 16.
Sunday Surprises Sunday Surprises Reviewed by Anastasiia Kyrylenko on Sunday, October 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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